Chapter Twelve.

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Rachel was sure that being clawed to death by a werewolf was meant to hurt alot more than this did. Sure, it felt like her ribs were shattered, but she felt no overwhelming pain or any blood against her chest. She cautiously opens one of her eyes.

"Miss me?" Santana smirks as her hair dangled over the two. Her red eyes showing Rachel her own shocked face from the reflection.

"Santana! You can't be here!" Rachel says as she pushes Santana off and scrambles to her feet, looking around. But they were no longer in the middle of the werewolf attack.

"I just saved your ass, Berry. You could atleast thank me." Santana growls with a raised eyebrow.

"No, you don't understand. My parents are here. If they catch even a glimpse of you, it's a stake through your heart." Rachel throws back as she looks around for her handgun. But it was on the floor, wherever she was before.

"Relax. We are no where near." Santana says, thinking it would calm Rachel.

"You left Quinn!" Rachel yells, her face tightens as she feels her mind racing.

"I can't carry you and a wolf, Rachel! I saw you about to get mauled by some mutts, so I made a split second choice. If it wasn't for me, you'd be dead."

"Take me back, Santana!" Rachel demands, her hands balled up to fists by her sides.

"I'm not taking you back to somewhere you are gonna get killed, Berry. You may have a death wish, but I will not help you with it."

"It's my job, Santana!" Rachel roars. Feeling her blood boil against her veins. How could Santana not realise this? "So you either take me back, or I'll have to kill you for obstruction of the Beast Laws!" Rachel noticed Santana flinch ever so slightly. It was subtle, but her pupils dilated a fraction, and she tensed up.

"Fine." Santana says, all the emotion in her voice that was there a second ago now gone. Although Rachel could of sworn that Santana sounded hurt. But before she could even think anything else, she feels the wind hit her lime a tonne of bricks as her back impacts with a tree. Hearing the wood crack from the impact. If she survives this without any broken ribs, she would be surprised. She spins around the tree and she could see the wolves from mere moments ago, but not they were locked in a battle with the Sentinels.

"Rachel!" Puck yells, his eyes locking with hers as he had his sword in his hands, the blade bloodied along with his hands. The dismembered corpse of a wolf just Infront of his feet. Rachel sprints over, with Puck reaching into his holster and pulling out the handgun and chucking it Rachel. Rachel quickly catches is and opens fire within a second. The bullet finding the wolf that was a few feet behind Puck. It's head jolts back as blood erupts from the wound.

"Nice shot." Puck states as he adjusts his grip on his sword. Rachel quickly looks around. She could she both her father's stood back to back. Hiram had his crossbow in hand, the bolts strapped to his chest as he loads it back up with incredible speed. LeRoy held his rifle steady, quickly yet accurate switching between targets, each shot taking down another wolf.

"There's way more than twenty here, Hiram!" Rachel heard Shelby yell. Rachel looks over and see's her holding her handgun with both hands, with Artie and Blaine on either side of herm their fur painted with blood.

"Where's Finn and Quinn?" Rachel asks, noticing they were both not in this fight.

"They ran off east. Dad thinks that they saw the person controlling them." Puck answers as he swings his sword at an incoming wolf. The blade slicing straight through its arm as it falls back, clawing at the wound as Puck walks over and forces the blade into its throat.

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