Chapter Eleven

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Rachel and Quinn arrived at school later than usual, although it was still earlier than most. Quinn had gone off to meet with Finn, leaving Rachel to walk the halls on her own.

"Yo, Rachel. Can I speak to you?" A voice calls from behind her. She turns around to find Sam walking over to her. Someone she didn't expect.

"Yeah, sure Sam. What's up?" Rachel smiles politely, trying to work out why he wanted to speak with her. He wasn't exactly fond of her, she was well aware of that fact.

"So, Brittany told me you let her feed on you. Is that true?" He asks. Rachel nodded. "Why?"

"Because she was hurt" Rachel shrugged. "I was in a position to help, so I did."

"Okay. And the fact you're okay with Santana mind dominating someone?" He asks. "Seems like your letting alot of shit go that your kind normally wouldn't."

"Look, I don't agree with every aspect of the Beast Laws, Sam. Santana did it to help someone. I don't see a problem with it, okay?"  The two keep eye contact for a few moments. Rachel unsure what was going to happen next. She barely knew Sam, but knew that he was a loose cannon.

"Okay." Sam simply replies as his shoulders slouch slightly. Rachel had never noticed his shoulders were tensed up everytime she saw him until now.

"That settled your mind?" Rachel asks.

"Mostly. I didn't know if you have an angle or not." Sam admits.

"Who says I don't? I wouldn't tell you would I?" Rachel winks, recieving a small chuckle in return.

"I'll decide to take your word for it." Sam responds as the two stand in silence for a few moments.

"What class have you got next?" Rachel asks politely. Sam fumbles through his bag before pulling out a tattered piece of paper.

"Physics with Mr. Dalton." He tells her.

"Well, I've got bio so I'll walk with you.",
Rachel smiles as the two head off through the school, threading through the wave of people coming the other way.

"So, how come you let Santana go with you?" Sam asks. Rachel didn't need to ask what he was on about. She already knew.

"I honestly don't know." Rachel replies with a shrug. "She asked if I wanted company. And I just... I wanted her company."

"It's certainly strange how comfortable Santana is around you. She's not comfortable around anyone par us." Sam comments. Rachel.

"Well. Believe it or not I'm the same. I don't normally get along with anyone other than the Pack. But we all met as kids. So it's also strange to me how well I get on with Santana." Rachel replies. Sam nods and begins to say something, but Rachel doesn't hear it. She could see her father's down the hall, Noah slightly behind them along with her mother. Their eyes set on Rachel as they walk over.

"Rachel, we gotta go." Hiram states. His eyes flit to Sam with a curious look.

"I'll see you later I guess, Rachel." Sam smiles politely before walking off. Rachel secretly thankful Sam didn't make a scene. Her parents knew nothing of Santana and her Clan, and she wanted to keep it that way.

"What is it?" Rachel asks.

"A whole pack of wolves are running rampant through the woods. Attacked five civilians already. We don't know why, but we need to deal with them." LeRoy says. Rachel nods.

"Maybe we should bring the Sentinels with us." Rachel suggests. "I know you think they're..."

"I agree" Hiram interrupts, surprising everyone. Especially Rachel and Puck.

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