Chapter Sixteen

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"What the hell is this?" Hiram demands as he aims his magnum directly at Santana.

"Question me after!" Santana barks back. "Rachel got attacked, she needs help."

"Hiram, listen to her!" Shelby commands as she rushes to Rachel, quickly looking over Rachel. "Get her on the table, now!" Puck does as he's told and takes Rachel from Santana, Hiram rushing into the dining room and sweeping everything off the table. Santana watches helplessly. Hiram looks at Santana with what she could only call pure hatred in his eyes.

"You best come in." Hiram begrudgingly says as he lowers his gun and stands aside. Santana just simply nods, pushing herself off the floor and walking in, straight into the dining room. Shelby had already gotten her medic kit out and was already fast at work on Rachel. Her top now ripped apart as it laid on the table, her chest covered in blood.

"Rachel." Santana whimpers and goes towards her, but Hiram grabs her shoulder hard and yanks back.

"Don't go near her." Hiram commands, but Santana snaps her shoulder from his grip and turns to face him, her eyes snapping red.

"Don't tell me what to do." Santana growls.

"Hiram, it's okay." LeRoy states with a firm nod. "Let her comfort Rachel, she needs all she can get." Hiram keeps her eyes on Santana for a few moments before nodding. Santana quickly takes a seat across from Shelby, taking Rachel's hand in her own.

"It looks like the bite had missed anything major. But there has been a lot of blood loss." Shelby comments. "Best I can do is seal her up and ensure she doesn't get any infection."

"Do it." Hiram commands and Shelby nods, quickly getting to work. Santana does take her eyes off Rachel. She had been knocked out from the pain half way through their way to the Berry household, and she had never felt fear like it.

"Santana." Puck begins as he stood over Rachel, looking at Santana with dread in his eyes.

"She left me, Puck. After some stupid argument. I should've made her get back in my car." Santana croaks out.

"You're from the Blessed clan." Hiram states with no emotion. "You're a Lopez."

"I am." Santana responds with equal lack of emotion. "I am all too aware of your history with my family, Mr. Berry."

"Well, Miss. Lopez." Leroy sighs. "Thank you for bringing our daughter, I know that you did so with the knowledge of what we are, and the chance of what could've happened to you."

"Yes. Well, that is the only reason you're allowed to even be here." Hiram grunts. "But I have questions. And when Rachel is stable, you will be answering them."

"Whatever." Santana responds, barely paying attention to anything but Rachel. She looked so delicate right now. Her face was pale, and the skin was thin as she could practically see her veins struggling to push her blood through her body. Her breathing was light, her chest barely raising.

"And you're going to explain how you know her." Hiram looks at Puck.

"Yeah, I feel like this is a conversation you're going to want Rachel awake for." Puck responds as he looks at his sister. It was the most worried anyone had seen Puck.

A few hours later, and a blood transfusion from Shelby, Rachel had regained a lot of her colour back to her face. Her breathing had improved greatly. Everyone sat around Rachel, no one knowing exactly what to say.

Even Hiram wasn't sure. After his anger of seeing Santana had died down, he saw now that she is the reason his daughter was still alive. And it was something he wouldn't forget. He owed the vampire, as much as he hated to admit it.

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