Chapter Eight.

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Rachel was certainly surprised to find Santana and the rest of her clan waiting outside for her and Puck. Luckily, she had let him know the plan before hand. He was certainly not the biggest advocate of helping them, but saw that it was needed from recent events.

"The Hunters are here." Sam states with a slight distaste in his voice. His eyes set on Puck as his chest puffs out slightly. "Hide your fangs."

"Dude, if I wanted too, I'd of killed you already. I'm here to help you. So play nice or I'm out." Puck responds with a monotone voice, making sure he gave nothing away.

"Sam, he's right. They don't need to do this." Brittany points out. "They're trying to help." She adds before flashing a small smile to Rachel. She was very thankful for what Rachel had done for her. It was rare for someone to help vampires so freely, even less a Hunter. So she has a great deal of respect for Rachel already.

"Why do we even need training anyway." Kurt huffs, brushing his hair back. "I mean, we have supernatural strength and speed."

"Because, that may help you in most cases. But me and Noah could take you down, Kurt. We have been trained since we were kids to hunt you. So if you ever come across someone with similar training, or someone powerful, you need to know how to properly fight. And use your abilities less." Rachel explains.

"If you are dependent on them, they are a crutch. And anyone can use that to their advantage. We are going to show you how to fight without them. So when you need to fight, you don't use them as a crutch, but as an advantage." Puck adds, folding his arms.

"Look, we are very short of allies here." Santana states. "Rachel and Puck are our allies. So are the Sentinels. So I want your attitude towards them gone."

"You say that like it's easy." Mercedes sighs. She wasn't all to bothered about what anyone was. But she knew that not many others felt that way.

"Trust me, I know it isn't. Whenever I see that jackass Hudson, I want to rip his throat out. But I know he isn't our enemy. Not at this moment in time. And I'd much rather see him as an ally." Santana replies, her eyes scanning over her Clan.

"Look, I'm the last person to admit this. But she's right." Tina sighs. "I am not happy at all we are being pally with the mutts. But it sure beats getting killed." Santana looks over at Tina with an appreciative look. She was sure Tina was gonna be one of the hardest to get on board. But she was happily proven wrong.

"Are you lot gonna argue about this or can we get going?" Puck asks, slightly annoyed at how long this was taking. He would of thought Santana would of sorted all this beforehand, but evidently not.

"Yes." Santana answers for everyone. They all shared looks, but none of them disagreed. So they took it.

"I have room for two of you. The rest of you will have to follow us." Puck says as he walks over to his jeep, opening the driver's side door sliding in.

"Me and Britt will go with them. Sam, you take everyone else." Santana commands and everyone nods. Santana knew Brittany was the safest choice, especially since what had happened earlier with Rachel and Brittany. Brittany had apologised for what had happened, but Santana told her it was okay, that she just reacted badly.

"So, Puckerman." Santana begins. Rachel eyes widen slightly as she tries to work out what Santana was going to do. Even with knowing her for a very short while, she knew that Santana was someone who seemed to enjoy pissing people off. But she also knew that Noah wasn't someone you wanted to piss off. "What made you agree to train us? I'd of though that you'd of rather put a stake through out hearts."

"Well, you saw that shitshow what happened earlier with the controlled wolves. I'd rather have you lot properly trained next time." Puck answers. "And, I will be able to throw you around a little." He adds with a smirk as he looks in his rearview mirror at Santana.

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