Chapter Four.

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Rachel practically threw Santana against the locker as she took her switch blade out and held it against her stomach, just so it was out of sight of anyone who walked past.

"Woah, this is wanky" Santana comments with a smirk.

"Don't play around, bloodsucker." Rachel growls. "What the hell are you doing here?" She demands.

"Just here to learn, flirt with some hot hunters.  How about you?" Santana teases, but is met with Rachel's elbow smashing against her face. Santana face tightens as she grabs Rachel's hand within a blink of an eye and sent her across the hallway into wall. "Now that was just rude." Santana says as she puts her hair up into a tight bun, with her eyes flashing a blood red as she stands ready.

"Shouldn't of done that." Puck says as she charges towards Santana, but she was able to shift her weight and send him to the floor.

"Right, how about you two stop being so violent. Okay? This doesn't need to end with me seriously hurting one of you." Santana says, walking over to Rachel and offering her hand. Rachel looks at it for a few seconds before letting out a large sigh and taking it.

"You really should answer the question though. What are you doing here in Lima? I mean, your clan is sorta a legend. The vampires who can walk in daylight." Rachel says as she brushes herself off.

"We needed a change. And I felt a sorta pull here. I'm guessing now I don't need to hide my last name. I'm a Lopez." Santana tells her. Rachel and Puck share a look. They knew that name quite well. Their fathers had killed her mother a long time ago. She had gone insane from tainted blood. How it got tainted, nobody knows.

"Oh. I'm... I'm sorry." Rachel apologies, noticing she was reaching for Santana's arm.

"Yeah. I'm fully aware our families don't have a perfect past. And, even though I hate your dad's for killing my mother... I know they had to do it." Santana says as she places her hand over Rachel's and squeezes it softly.

Suddenly, the doors from the yard of the school blast open as Quinn leaps into the air, her clothes splitting into shreds  as her skin is overtaken by white fur, her eyes shifting to be over taken by golden eyes, her nails transforming into razor sharp claws. She pounces towards Santana with such speed and the two barrel across the hallway. Rachel glances at Puck and the two sprint over to the two, Puck grabbing Quinn and pulling her off, although he struggled. Santana's eyes were blood red as she bares her fangs, a hiss erupted from her throat as she tries to lunge forward, but Rachel had a good hold on her.

"Quinn!" Rachel yells, and Quinns golden eyes lock onto Rachel's. She could see the anger within them. "What do you think you're doing! Transform back before anyone see's you." Rachel demands. Quinn looks back at Santana, who stood ready for an attack, his fists clenched by her side.

"Or do you wanna go for round two you fucking mutt?" Santana growls. Rachel could of put money on Quinn trying to attack Santana, but to her surprise she transformed back, with Rachel reaching into her bag and chucking some spare clothes. It was only jeans and a shirt, but it sure beat being naked. Puck finally let go of Quinn as she quickly slid the clothes on.

"She attacked you, Rachel. What did you expect me to do?" Quinn argues.

"To not transform in the middle of the damn school!" Rachel exclaims, letting go of Santana as her fangs retract and her dark chocolate eyes return.

"I knew I could smell something foul." Quinn says as her eyes set on Santana. "How dare you attack Rachel."

"And what's it got to do with you?" Santana asks defensively.

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