Chapter Nine

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Puck had agreed to take the rest of Santana's clan home who couldn't fit into Sam's car. So Santana bid them goodbye before walking over to Rachel, who was looking at the night sky above. The stars were bright that night. Without a single cloud to hide them.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Rachel asks. Santana surprised Rachel knew she was standing there.

"Well, it certainly isn't ugly. I'll admit that." Santana comments as she folds her arms. Feeling the wind against her skin. She didn't feel the cold of it, wasn't even sure it was cold. She just guessed. Alot of her life was mostly guessing. She guessed when the sun made the skin hot and sweaty. Or when the cold air brought about goosebumps.

Sometimes she wished she hadn't had this blessing of hers. It made the lack of feeling hurt even more. Always feeling like something was missing. Like a part of her soul.

"You know, wolves use the stars to navigate during a full moon." Rachel says. "It's sort of baked into them. No one knows exactly why. Although I feel it's from our ancestors. Back in the stone age, people used the stars navigate around. I mean, we used all sorts of instruments. But wolves do it off instinct. It's actually quite impressive."

"How did you know that?" Santana asks.

"You forget who my friends are, I'm guessing?" Rachel smirks. Santana chuckles and nods.

"It's still weird to think of you're marked by a wolf. Never would of thought I'd hear of a hunter doing that." Santana admits.

"Well, I can't blame you. But I find comfort in the fact that I have Quinn as my protector. We may not get along alot, but I know no matter what, she has my back." Rachel comments as she runs her hand through her hair before turning back to Santana. "Should we get going?"

"Of course, you're the leader." Santana smiles and the two head off through town.


"Finn" Quinn calls, causing Finn to open his eyes and look down from the branch he was sat on. Quinn stood there with her arms folded. She looked annoyed, Finn noted.

"What is it, Quinn?"

"You know it's not wise leaving Rachel and Puck with them bloodsuckers, right?" She asks. Finn sighs before he jumps down to the floor, the dirt exploding around his feet as he lands.

"Quinn, Rachel and Puck can take care of themselves. If they try anything, I'm sure they'll kick their asses. It's sorta their job." Finn defends, reaching for Quinns shoulder and squeezing it. "I know you're worried for Rachel. But I promise, she will be fine as she always is."

"And worse comes to worst, we kill them." Artie shrugs as he wheels along the path that  the pack had smoothed out for him.

"They're not going to do anything, guys. Santana likes Rachel." Mike comments, resting himself against a nearby tree. Everyone looks at him with a mix of surprise and confusion. "If you actually paid attention instead of fantasising about killing her, you'd notice how comfortable she is around Rachel.   And from my, albeit, small observation of Santana, she isn't very comfortable around many people."

"Some Vampires do make bonds with Humans." Blaine adds. "It's harder for them, sure, but I've known vampires to be in relationships with humans."

"Surely that's against the Beast Laws." Quinn scoffs.

"If the human knows about them, it's completely legal. It's the same rule for us." Blaine answers.

"Look, it doesn't matter." Finn steps in. "If she likes Rachel, that's her own business. And however Rachel feels about Santana is up to her. So let's just leave it."

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