Chapter Fifteen

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"So, what does it mean?" Santana asks, not able to keep her eyes off the dead Abomination. "That we are the targets."

"It means, that you are in danger. In more ways than one. Repeated attacks like these need to be reported to the Council." Rachel answers

"Why's that a bad thing?"

"Because it would make them aware of you, along with my parents. And you just being the target could make the Council sentence you and your clan to death."

"What the fuck?" Santana exclaims, taking a step back from Rachel who sighed.

"Look, the council needs to keep this way from public eye. Years ago, it was easy to discredit stories that managed to get out, but now? It's a lot harder. And cases like these, the supernatural are not looked at favourably. If the council can limit exposure to the humans by killing a clan or a pack, they will most likely."

"That's such bullshit! Surely the Beast Laws prevents stuff like that?"

"The Beast Laws were written by Hunters, Santana. It was more to stop mindless killing from both sides, not to make everyone equal." Rachel answers and Santana's face hardens as her eyes sharpen, anger creeping beneath the blood red iris'

"So what, Rachel? What are you saying? That me and my whole clan are going to be targets from not only these group of psychopaths, but also every hunter?"

"I'm not saying that, Santana." Rachel goes to reach out, but Santana practically hisses at her, causing Rachel to pull her hand back. Rachel swallows hard and lets out a sigh. "Look, if that happens, they're going to call up hunters to try and find out what happened. And we are the only hunters in Lima, so it's going to be myself, Puck and our parents who will eventually be called up. And aslong as your clan are kept out of sight from our parents, me and Puck will ensure they don't know about you." Santana's eyes widen in shock as she looks Rachel dead in her eyes, looking for any hint of deception hidden behind them, but she found none.

"Why would you do that?" Santana questions.

"Because you and your clan are not the problem, Santana. You are just trying to live your life. To many hunters, you're seen as an instant enemy, but to me you're not my enemy. I hope to call you an ally."

"What? A friend is too much to ask for?" Santana smirks playfully, feeling Rachel shove her in equal playfullness. "Look, Rachel. I really appreciate what you are doing to protect my clan. You are.... Not the scary hunter I was sold on. The second I heard your name? I thought we were toast."

"I'm glad my reputation provides fear." Rachel winks. "But we should really go. Puck will be calling the cleaning squad soon. And all what I just said will be going out of the window." Rachel states as she reaches for Santana's hands, to which the Latina allows. Rachel was still shocked on how warm Santana's hands were. Rachel had come into contact with hundreds of vampires, and they were always stone cold.

Maybe it was the gift she had. Somehow it allowed her body to be warm. But maybe it was something else. Rachel couldn't explain it, but maybe it was something that didn't need explaining.

"So, what other scary creatures can I be expecting to jump my ass?" Santana quips as she opens her car door for Rachel, to which Rachel smiles politely as she climbs in, taking the few moments it took Santana to walk to the other side of the car to think about it.

"Well, if I'm completely honest, the fact they had a Nephilim is signs that they are messing around deeply with the supernatural. So it really could be anything. I mean, hell! We could come across a Minotaur next." Rachel sighs.

"You're kidding, right?" Santana looks at Rachel with a smirk, but Rachel's raised eyebrow told her all she needed to know. "Jesus fuck!" Santana exclaims.

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