chapter twenty-one

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Alexandra's pov:


Very awkward.

I sat there with four guys-one of them is going to murder me soon- waiting for me to response

"What? Why are you staring at me like that?"

"Well he asked a question, aren't you going to reply?" Paul said giving me a 'duh' look

"I think it's time for me to go to school so..." I trailed off as I stood ready to get the hell out off here

"You're not going anywhere because, 1) you haven't answered my question yet and 2) because you have to wait for Jack to arrive"

"You're going to be with Jack the whole day, you lucky bitch" Max whispered chuckling and thank God I was the only one who heard him

"I'm not going to repeat myself again, what the hell is going on?" Matt hissed so I started talking immediately

"I don't know what they are talking about, I was ready for school so I came in the kitchen to eat something when Paul started to make accusations and assumptions I don't know were they came from, then Max started laughing at me when David came in and__" my rant was cut off when Paul decided to speak again

"She has a thing for Jack" Paul said and I closed my eyes preparing myself for the storm

A few seconds passed in silence so I opened my eyes

"Say you don't like him" he stated calmly

"You don't like him" I said laughing along with Max as we high fived each other but stopped when I saw Matt's expression


"You can't like him" he said simply

"Not like I like him or anything but why can't I like him"

"If you say one more 'like' I'm gonna like stab myself" Max said annoyed but a smirk made its way on his face when I threw him a glare

"You've got to be fucking kidding me, of course you can't like him, he's a gang leader for fucks sake and even though he's helping you, he still one of my enemies. Besides I'm doing my best trying to keep you out of that world, you don't want to be part of it, so stay away from him" he said through gritted teeth looking at me dead in the eyes

"It's kind of hard to stay away from him when you agreed to make him my 'bodyguard'"

He opened his mouth to say something but he was interrupted by Jack's voice

"Lexieeee babe!"

Great.. Just great..

Max's body was shaking with silent laughter.

That little air-headed pig.

I wanted to shoot him a glare but I couldn't move 'cause I was recieving a deathly one from my dear brother

"It's not what it sounds like__" I was going to explain further but I felt an arm slung around my shoulder, and it's not any arm. It's Jack's

My eyes immediately went to see Matt's reaction, and let me tell you something he wasn't very happy

"Lexie?!.." David said amused

"Yeah, that's my nickname for her from now on" Jack answered casually

I stared at Matt who has a glass of water, which was about to shatter.

Time to go..

"We're late, let's go" I pointed out and started walking to the front door without waiting for Jack's reply.

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