chapter fifteen

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Alexandra pov:

I can't wait until this day is over, no one told me that I would be everyone's talk in the entire school. It was lunch time and I was starving so I ignored all the stares as I grabbed my food and walked where the guys were sitting who seemed to shut up when they saw me coming,ok this is getting ridiculous

"That's enough, please don't tell that you're scared of me guys just because I'm Matt's sister" I said

"It's not like that, we're just confused .... how can you be Matt's sister when we all know him for a long time and we know that he doesn't have any other siblings" Sarah muttered apologetically

"I'll tell the story from the beginning"

After I told them my story they said sorry and apologized and whatsoever and we continued our lunch then I walked to my locker to put some books in it and sighed tiredly, this was one hell of a day.... can this day get any better, I thought sarcastically....

"Hi baby" said a very familier and amused yet sexy voice

I spoke too soon, I turned around to find the idiot smiling sweetly at me which I returned with my own sweet smile

"And here I'm saying there is something missed in my day ... how are you darling?"

"I'm fine princess ... what about you, I heard it was tough day" he said smirking

"I was doing fine before but now I'm better" I replied sarcastically

"So is the rumors true?"

"What rumors?"

"That Matt didn't know that he has a sister until 3 months ago and when he found you he brought you to live here along with him and his crew" he stated with a smirk playing on his lips

"Yeah ... that's true now you know I have a class to attend so if you're done I'll be on my way" I said with a fake smile

"Hey there's no need to be sad, look at the good side you got to know this sex god, you're very lucky" he said as he gestured towards his body, you don't know how sexy you are, I thought but of course I didn't plan on telling him that so in return I rolled my eyes and said smirking

"I've seen much better than this"

"Really...?" He said taking a step forward and being the idiot I am I took a step back, he continued stepping forward with me stepping back until I felt my back hit something cold,the wall . He didn't stop and the space between us was only a few inches,he stopped in front of me and put each one of his hands on the side of my head and leaned slowly, our noses nearly brushing against each other and I can smell his minty breath on my face ... we just stared at each other for what seemed like forever until I decided to speak first

"Uh w-what are y-you d-doing?" I stuttered looking a thine wide-eyed

"Am I making you nervous, princess?" He asked in a low,huscky voice and for some reason I found that sexy . I must be going mental

"I-I'm not n-nervous" I attempted to make my voice strong but it came out like a whisper,what the hell is wrong with me . I cleared my thraot then said

"I have to go"

"Oh please don't mind me, go on" he said playing dumb or maybe he wasn't playing dumb, after all he's stupid

"Oh please I don't mind you but back off so I can go" I said through gritted teeth

"Yeah but can I have a kiss before you go"

He didn't just said what I thought he said, right

"Ok" I said smiling, he looked surprised at first but then smirked and said

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