chapter twenty-two

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Alexandra's pov:

"You better run for your life you stupid asshole" I screamed the second I saw that jerkface but instead of running he laughed hysterically, and that didn't help with my already fuming state so I lunged at him and he started running, still laughing at me

"I haven't done anything this time" he stated, still laughing

"Then why are you laughing, you little shit?" I asked speeding up so I can catch him. Seconds later, I jumped on his back which caused us to land on the floor with me on top of him

"You crossed the lines Jack Fucking Johnson, and you're going to regret this"

"You said that the last five times" he pointed, breathless

Now let's go back to the beginning of the story, shall we?

It all happened two weeks ago when I started hanging out a lot with Jack and his friends -especially when Matt and the guys had to go on a business trip and left me to live with Eva until they come back- Caleb is the most perverted pervert you'd ever meet in your life, Adam is the smart one of the group who'd help you with your problems and give you the right advice, and last but not least,Nathan -but everyone call him Nate- he's the prankster and he was the reason behind what happened today. So back to the point, Nate thought it'd be very nice to pull a stunt on Jack and of course I was the one who volunteered to do it. It was simple, I 'accidentally' will drop my food on him and when I did, let's say his reaction wasn't very funny about the fact that I embarrassed him in front of the students and that's how the war started between us. I was once at the locker room having a shower after gym when he took my clothes and I was stuck there for half an hour shouting for anyone to give me damn clothes, then I put an ice bucket on the door of the locker room just a few seconds before he entered.... and it continued like that and actually we were having fun until yesterday when he decided it'd be very cool to break into the room I was sleeping in, then pick me up and drag me outside and put my sleeping figure on the cold ground in the fucking winter. Imagine yourself, waking up to see that you're sleeping outside, you'd say that maybe I walk in my sleep but the jerkface left me a note to make sure that I knew he was the one behind it... so here I am now planning on getting back to him after he managed to escape and rum for his life

"I have an idea" Nate said excited

Of course you have

"What is it?" I asked the same time Eva said "guys I think you need to stop this"

Nate ignored her and explained our plan

"So we just need Jack's mobile.."

"That'd be easy.. I can get it without him noticing"

"What class do we have togather?"

"It's now actually, we have history"

"Ok, Nate go do your part of the plan and I'll do my part"

"Ok, see ya in the class" he said and walked away


"Oww, someone woke up on the other side of the bed today" Jack said smirking as I scowled at him

Oh, believe me you won't be smirking very long. Mwahahaha.... I thought

Then Nate walked in and nodded his head slightly

So he did it..

Ten minuted later, when the teacher was too focused in the lesson, I dialled Jack's number and waited to hear the ringtone

Yeah it's pretty clear, I ain't no size two

But I can shake it, shake it

like I'm supposed to do

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