chapter twenty-three

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Alexandra's pov:

"Woah, you look like you were hit with a truck" Eva said as she opened the door and saw me

"Don't even say 'truck' in front of me again.. anyways, where are your parents?"

"They haven't come back yet, now if you don't mind explaining, what the hell happened to you?"

And I started telling her the whole story, when I finished, my friend's mouth was wide open slightly touching the ground with her eyes bulged out of their sockets

"Let me get this straight, Jack kissed you"

"That's what I just said"

"And why aren't you freaking out?"

I closed my eyes as I let out a very long sigh. I need to tell her the other half of the story


His full lips connected with my own and for a second I thought my heart was gonna explode from all the emotions that burnt within me, and soon enough I started to kiss him back.

I wrapped my hands around his soft hair, his lips moved in sync with mine and I felt his grip on my waist tighten.

A few seconds later, he pulled back for air -or that's what I thought- then backed away from me and said

"You should leave.." he said and without another glance he walked out leaving me breathless, shoked, confused and alittle hurt

End of flashback..

"That little shit.. all of them are the same, it might as well be that all the gang leaders are cocky, arrogant bastards who think they can play with a girl's feeling just because they don't__"

"Hey! Hey! Calm down, I have a feeling we're not talking about the same person, besides it's just a kiss nothing more, I'm totally fine, now can I go to sleep, 'cause I'm really tired.. good night" I said with a small smile on my face telling her that I'm really fine


"C'mon Alex, it's Jack we're talking about, what did you expect from a jerk like him? Of course he'd do something like that"

"Why are you telling me this, I don't care"

"Oh yeah, that's why you were about to rip that girl's head off, but you know what it's better this way"

She makes me look like a jealous girlfriend/creep

Maybe I am...

Now, you're gonna ask what the hell is going on, let me tell you what happened

Today I came to school with Eva because that jerk didn't come to pick me up, anyways, I was going to follow Eva's advice which is and I quote 'if he doesn't say anything, don't bring the kiss up and keep acting the way you were acting with each other yesterday like nothing happened'.. everything was going fine until I saw him making out with a redhead girl in the hallway , the girl noticed me staring and stopped which caused Mr. Jerk to stop and look to see what she was staring at, when his eyes met mine, I saw regret in his eyes -or maybe that what I wanted to see- but it vanished as fast as it came, he tried to say something but I didn't wait as I scurried away. I came back to reality when Eva snapped her finger in front of my face

"Sorry, I zoned out what were you saying?"

"I was saying there's a girl coming towards us, do you know her?" I turned to see that redhead girl was coming towards our table


"Hi, my name is Adele"

"Ehm, hi?" She giggled at my greeting which came as a question

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