chapter twenty-five

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Alexandra's pov:

"I'm saying this for the last time, I can't remember anything of what happened yesterday"

"And I'm saying this for the last time, I don't care.. try to remember something" Matt seethed out, and the whole room grew silent, all of them waiting for my answer.

So here is the story, yesterday I went to Eva's house because she was having a party and after convincing Matt that I should go to make sure Eva will be alright, he agreed, we had so much fun but I woke up and saw that I was sleeping on the bathroom's floor resting my head on a sponge, and next thing I know was Jack's furious face when he looked at me and saw a hickey on my neck, then went all Hulk on me asking who was the guy, he even told Matt, and they think I don't want to tell them for the guy's sake and right now I'm sitting in the living room having a lecture and waiting for them to shut up

"I just remember the lips, I can't recall the face" I said then looked at their lips trying to see if it was one of the guys

"And why are you staring at us with that weird look on your face, tell me you're not thinking that it was one of us" Nate said frowning

"Ugh..!! I don't even know what I'm thinking.. I'm tired so I'm going to sleep, don't bother me" I said walking to my room

"When I find him, and trust me I will, he's going to regret the day he was born" Matt yelled and I shut the door in response


"So you really don't know who was the guy?" Eva asked suspiciously

"If I didn't know you, I'd say that the guys sent you to ask me" I said and she looked offended

"Hey! I wouldn't do that, it's just that I think it was my fault since I was the one who asked you to come to the party" she said looking down

"What the hell is wrong with you, people.. if anyone heard you talking, they'd think I was raped" I sighed, frustrated

"Okay.. calm down and let's forget about it" Eva said raising her hands in surrender. I opened my mouth to say something but was interrupted by Jack barging into my room without even knocking

"We're going to the beach.." he stated waiting for me to say something but I stayed silent even though I got excited the minute I heard the word 'beach'

"Any reaction for what I just said" and again I stayed silent

"I hate silent treatment so say something__"

"Say something I'm giving up on you" Eva interrupted Jack and decided it was the time to joke but mumbled alittle 'sorry' when we both looked at her, telling her silently to shut up

"Why are you mad?"

Oh no, he didn't just ask me this question..

"What? Of course not, I mean why would I be mad? What a ridiculous question is that? It's just that Matt is angry and probably is going to murder someone, oh God.. do you think he's going to kill him? What if__"

"And she started rambling again" Jack sighed "I just asked you a question"

"Uhm.. I don't know, what do you think, Eva?"

"You should go, it'll be fun but sadly, I can't go with you because I have to visit my grandma" Eva said with an evil smile

What is wrong with this girl..

"Okay..." I trailed off eyeing her doubtfully then asked

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, of course.. have fun and call me later" she said then rushed out of the room without even saying 'goodbye', then I remembered that Jack was -still- standing here

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