chapter nineteen

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Alexandra's pov:

"God, I can't feel my head" I rubbed my forehead as I got up and dragged myself to the bathroom. What the hell happened last night. Why can't I remember all the day. Ah.... doesn't matter, I have to worry about other things now. Once I was done showering and brushing my teeth, I left my room and walked downstairs straight to the kitchen but I didn't find anyone. Why is the whole house silent, I can't hear anything. That means the guys had yelled at the girls and went out, all that while I was sleeping. That's good, even though I feel guilty because it was my fault but it doesn't matter now. Actually it's better than I got yelled __, my thoughts were cut by hearing Jack's voice

"Oh, you finally decided to wake up and join us" he stated sarcastically

When I walked into the living room, I saw the girls sitting on the couch , with shameful expressions, looking down with the guys sitting on the opposite one wearing disapproving expressions but when Matt's eyes met mine it changed to a glare

"Good morning" I greeted smiling sweetly, when no one of the guys replied and none of the girls dared to speak with my brother's intense glare, Eva spoke

"Good morning" she waved a little and I sent her a grateful smile then said

"Uh... what's going on?"

"Did she just ask what was going on?" Jack asked no one in particular

"Yesterday, you went to a club even though I told you not to leave the house, what the hell were you thinking?" Matt said through gritted teeth

"Look I know that I should have told you guys and I'm sorry it won't happen again, now, can we go somewhere today?" I asked

"Did she just ask if she can go somewhere?" Jack asked again no one in particular then said

"Is it possible that she still is under that thing she took yesterday?"

"Tell me what happened with you yesterday" Matt said irritated

"Well you see , once upon a time, there was a __"

"Tell me what happened, Alexandra" ok that's enough, I think he's getting angry

"We went to that club, we agreed to have one drink then come back, the girls immediately went to the dancefloor except of Eva and me. We sat and ordered our drinks. Once they came, Eva went to the bathroom and there was a guy who came to talk to me but he left when I said that my boyfriend is coming but I wasn't looking at him so I don't know if he had put something in my drink and I don't remember much after that" I mumbled quietly

"Did you notice anything weird on your way to the club?" Brad asked anxiously

"There was a car" Evelyn said and all of them turned to her

"What car?" Max asked suspiciously

"There was a car following us the minute we got out the house"

"How do you know that it was following you" Caleb asked

"Because it stopped when we entered the club" this time, Megan answered his question

"Yeah I saw it too but I thought it was a random car" Eva said and I nodded

"Yeah me too"

"Do you know its form or style?"

"Yeah, its color was black" I stated, proud that I noticed something like that

"That's weird, I thought it would be a pink" Jack said feigning disbelief then rolled his eyes and asked

"Anything special about it"

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