Chapter seventeen

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Alexandra's pov:

"Come on Alex , wake up" my mother yelled for the fifth time in the last two seconds

"Just five seconds, please"

"That's what you've been saying for an hour , now get up before I send the boys to wake you up"

It had been three days since my family came to visit , they were going to an hotel to stay there but Matt 'insisted' to stay here saying that they can stay in the spare rooms and we ended up my parents in the guest room and Matt,Max,David,Paul shared their rooms with one of the guys and you don't have to guess who Matt has to share his room with.

We stayed up most of the night listening to Ashton and Matt's fights .... As for the girls I shared my room with Evelyn, and Shay with Megan in the next room. As I got up and headed to the bathroom I tripped and fell on the ground, I groaned and lift my head up to see that my room which was a mess. When did it become like that. I shrugged and walked to the bathroom , after I was done. I went downstairs to hear a very familiar voice

"So like I said before I can__"

"You've got to be fucking kidding me,what is that idiot doing here?!" I asked , almost shouted as I saw Jack sitting in the living room,talking to Matt and as soon as his eyes met mine he had that smug expression on his face , I was making my way to slap that smirk off but stopped when I heard a gasp

"Alex, don't be rude .... apologize now" my dear mother scowled with a stern look

"But mum he's__"

"I don't care , apologize right now young lady" I turned to face him to see all the boys and the girls watching in amusement and waiting for my apology

"I'm sorry" I mumbled quitely as I heard all of them chuckling and trying to cover it with coughs however Max didn't bother and cover it as I saw him shaking with laughter

"Actually I didn't hear what you said, but it's ok" Jack said in a very innocent voice I almost didn't recognise his voice

" I'm sorry" I said louder this time

"Oh my god" Max said as he gasped for air

"Anything funny, Max?" I asked raising an eyebrow

"You look like a child who was scolded by his parents" he said smiling

"Why don't you shut the__" I cut myself when my mother shoot me a glare so I decided to change the subject

"So Jack what made you come to visit us although you and Matt hate each other very much"

"Even if we are enemies, we have the same target now which is protecting you"

"Excuse my stupidity but I still don't know what do you mean" I said not getting where this was going, he sighed tiredly like he was teaching a monkey

"That means because I'm going to the same school as you I'll keep an eye on you and look after you so that I'll keep you out of troubles"

"In your dreams, Johnson" I said at the same time Matt said

"I think it's a good idea"

"What ..... but .. no"

"Yes that would be fine, you are a great guy,Jack" mom said smiling

"Thank you Mrs. Owen"

"Oh honey please call me Rebecca"

Woah, I think she forgot who's her child

"Alex, all of us are going on a holiday so start packing your things quickly because we're leaving in about two hours or so" Matt informed me

"What is it with the sudden vacation" I couldn't help but ask and suddenly they seemed nervous and from the confused look on Jack's face it seemed like he noticed that too

"Uh to relax and have fun" Max said

"Okay...." now I'm sure they're hiding something "come on girls" I said as I started to climb the stairs with the girls following me

"You really need to clean your room sometimes" Evelyn said when she got up after she tripped with something was on the floor

"Yeah you should really consider doi__, what the fuck" she cut herself off when I throw a plate on her and she dodged it in the last minute

"Sorry, now all of you shut up and help me packing"

After an hour of packing and fighting we finished cleaning

"We are done by the way who is going with us" I asked Matt

"We were thinking about telling Brad to come with us along with his friends"

"Yeah, that's fine with me"

"Ofcourse it is" Jack muttered and I looked at him and said

"What is that supposed to mean" I asked irritated

"Why are you suddenly very excited about this trip, is it because Brad will be going?" he asked, his voice rising with each word

Now, I'm 100% sure that this guy is a psycopath idiot

"What the hell is wrong with you idiot,why do you even care" by now I was screaming

"It's just__" he was interrupted by Matt's voice

"Don't speak to her like that again and both of you stop shouting"

"Don't tell me what to do and I was just stating the obvious" he said as he glared at Matt who was about to speak when dad said

"There is no point of this argument so all of you shut up and I think that you should come with us, Jack" he said calmly

"What?!!" Matt and I said in unison

"If you insist" Jack shrugged while smirking at me

"I'll also tell my friends from school to come with us"

"Okay but you need to hurry up" Max said

I called Eva, Sarah, Mia, Victor and Toby and invited them to go with us and they immediatly accepted because they were bored and didn't have anything better to do, and now we are standing outside the house

"Come on what are we waiting for?" Matt asked impatiently

"We have to wait for__" I was cut off by Eva's screaming

"Wait ... wait" as she came running toward us but as she came closer I noticed Matt's eyes widening and his body tensing

"Guys this is Eva, Eva those are Max, Paul, David and finally my brother, Matt" I said with a smile which slowly vanished as I saw their expressions.

"Hi Matt, how are you?" Eva asked/whispered

"Fine" he replied shortly as he turned and walked to the driver's seat, "c'mon get in the cars"

I looked at her and she gave me a small smile and got in the car I turned to Max and mouthed 'what the hell is going on?!' , he dragged me away not very far and asked

"How do you know her"

"She's my friend, hiw do you know her"

He stayed silent for a few seconds then he said

"She's Matt's ex"


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