chapter sixteen

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Alexandra's pov:

"How do you know Brad?" I turned around to come face to face with Jack's confused -with a hint of anger- expression, I opened my mouth to reply when Eva's voice cut me off

"Hiiii .... why are you late than usual?"

"I'm not that late, what__"

"You didn't answer my question, how do you know Brad?" Jack rudely interrupted me, I was about to answer him with 'none of your business' when I was cut off again by Eva's gasp

"Please tell me he's not talking about Brad Helson the gang leader"

"Well__" I was cut off again by Jack .... what the hell is wrong with those two today

"I'm repeating myself for the third time, how do you know Brad"

"If you shut up I was going to tell you," I turned to Eva who is still gaping at me "as you know after those ones who tried to kidnap me Matt and Brad agreed that it'd be better if one of them came with me to school and on the way back home along with the guys" there was a few moments of silent until Eva said

"And by guys you mean their gang members"

"They're more like brothers" I replied and it was true they treated each other like brothers not like they worked for Matt or Brad, after all they're friends long time ago

"But as I know Matt and Brad were always enemies actually all of us are like that" Jack said for a moment I forgot that he was standing with us

"Well when I found out that Matt is my brother and moved out to live here with him, I was once at the mall with them waiting outside for me when he came with his friends and was about to start a fight when I came out and was surprised to see them and they were the same__"

"Why would you be surprised" Eva asked confused

"Because I kinda knew him long time ago" I mumbled quitely not wanting to tell them about Brad's and mine's relationship

"And how do you know him long tome ago?" Jack asked

God why does he have to be stupid

"I don't wanna talk about it"

"Come on princess we'll know sooner or later" Jack said with a smug look on his face

"He's my ex boyfriend" as soon as it left my mouth,his smile dropped and was replaced with a glare

Defenitly there is something wrong with this guy

"And let me guess you two are talking now as friends"

"Yeah ..... any problem?" I asked raisung an eyebrow

"Of course there is .... why are you still talking to him .. do you still have feelings for him" he spat out

"If I still have feelings for him I wouldn't break up with him,actually why am I telling you this, clearly that's none of your business" I snapped getting irritated

"It is my __" he was cut off by someone clearing his throat

"Guys .... you really don't want to make a scene now,Alex let's go" Eva said as she grabbed my hand and dragged me away

"What a prick" I mumbled as Eva laughed and said

"You two look like couples , you can't stand each other, always fighting but it's amusing"

"Glad we entertain you" I said sarcastically


It had been a couple of weeks with the same routine, wake up, take a shower, have breakfast with the guys whose always seems to be stressed especially Matt, go to school, fight with Jack, come back from school, talk with the guys about random things, have dinner, go to sleep. That was until today when all the unexpcted things happened to me started with....

"So I was thinking about throwing a party at my place 'if Matt allowed me' this weekend" I said as I made a quotation mark when I talked about Matt

"Yeah why not that's if Matt allowed you but __"

"Hi princess" a very cheerful voice said behind me making my jump with a yelp

"Why do you always scare me like that, bastard?"

"Hey I just said __"

"Why can't you stay away from him,bitch?" Asked a very angry high pitched voice, I turned around to finf where that voice came from only to spot that angry slut who I fought with her a couple of weeks ago

"You," I said plainly then plastered a fake smile and said "how have you been,Lacy"

"It's Lucy __"

"Doesn't matter, now back to the point .. were you saying anything?"

"I'm warning you for the last time, stay away __"

"And if I don't" I said raisind an eyebrow daringly and taking steps closer to Jack, I stopped when my face was a few inches away from his and stared at his smirk which was growing wider by the second... I can tell you he was enjoying this situation by the amused look he has on his face


"I said and if I don't" I asked still facing Jack, when she didn't answer I turned around and said

"That's what I thought, let's go Eva" and with that I walked away


"Where are you going?"

"Why are becoming stupider by the second, Jack .... where do you think I'm going"

"Why can't you answer a question without being a sarcastic human"

"I'm afraid it comes out of me naturally and why do __" I cut myself when arms was wrapped around my waist as they hugged me tightly, I was about to scream when I heard his voice

"How are you, babygirl?"

I stood there frozen not knowing if I really heard his voice or I was wrong .. if I was dreaming or not until I turned around to meet his blue eyes staring back at me as he was grinning at me

"Oh my god .... Ashton" I said as I squeezed the shit out of him "I missed you so much ... why didn't anyone tell me you were coming?"

"We wanted it to be a surprise"

"What do you mean by __"

"I suggest you to take your hands off her right now before I do something I won't really regret as much as you will" said a very furious Jack

"And who the hell are you?" Ashton asked as he kept his hands around me

"Hey hey! No need to get grumpy and all, I'll introduce you to each other, Ashton this is my friend Jack, Jack this is my brother Ashton"

"What ??! Your brother .... I mean like how many siblings are you?"

"Matt is my real brother but Ashton is the one who I lived with for my entire life so he is my brother too, idiot" I explained slowly

"Oh..." was his brilliant reply after nodding slowly he said "sorry about what happened minute ago .. I didn't know you were her brother"

"It's ok," Ashton said then turned to me "come on let's go, everyone is waiting "

"What do you by everyone?"

"You didn't think I came here alone, right? My parents and the guys came along with me" he said smiling

"Oh my god why didn't you tell me that, let's go .... bye Jack"

"It was nice to meet you Jack" Ashton said and Jack nodded and said "same here" and walked away

"You know that Jack guy likes you" I snorted in response and we walked hurriedly towards my house

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