Chapter twenty-seven

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Alexandra's pov:

This morning I woke up smiling like an idiot. My head was resting on Jack's muscular chest as he wrapped his arm tightly around my waist. I stared at his face while he was sleeping. He looked so innocent and cute when he was asleep.

I tried shrug his arm off so I can get up without waking him up but his arm only tightened.

He opened his eyes and said

"Don't move, and get back to sleep Lexie"

"But I need to go to the bathroom really fast"

He muttered something then let go of me, I went into the bathroom and did my business, brushed my teeth and had a quick shower after I saw how I look like.

I walked into my room again and saw Jack smiling at me as he got up and walked over where I was standing

"Good morning, beautiful"

"Good morning"

"I'm gonna take a shower, wanna join me?"

"I already had one, pretty boy. Now get in and don't take long time in there" he nodded and gave me a small peck on the lips then went to take his shower.

I opened my bedroom's door walking out to find Matt's door is being opened and walked out Eva with messy hair and Matt's shirt on.

Oh. My. Fucking. God

As soon as she saw me, her eyes widened and walked towards me

"My, my.. someone had a great night yesterday"

"It's not what you think , Alex"

"And how do you know what I think"

"I'm.. I.. we d-didn't.."

"It's ok, Eva.. I mean who cares, you're a slut" her eyes widened even more if that was possible and I burst out laughing, and she sighed in relief when she saw my reaction

"So..? Everything is ok between you guys now?"

"I think so.. what about you and Jack?"

"We did it last night" I whispered looking down

"Oh my fucking God" she screamed clapping her hands and jumping in the air

"Our relationships got perfect in the same night"

"Talk about your__"

"Eva..." Matt's shouted, still in his bedroom

"Gotta go.." she whispered then winked, walked in his room and closed the door behind her. I decided to check on Jack and see what took him so long, as I walked into my room I heard him singing

"Yeah you can start over, you can run free

You can find other fish in the see

You can pretend it's meant to be

But you can't stay away from me

I can still hear you making that sound

Taking me down rolling on the ground

You can pretend that it was me

But no___"

"How romantic.."

"Lexie? You're here?"

"Yeah.. now shut up and get out. Your shower is longer than mine"

"I'll be out in a minute.. make me breakfast babe"

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