Chapter thirty-three

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Jack's pov:

I buried my head in my bloody hands thinking about what had happened. I looked up and saw the guys pacing back and forth, wearing the same worried expression and waiting for anyone to come out of the room and tell us how is she.

"Her pulse is slowing, someone get the defibrillator" someone, who I assumed the doctor, commanded and instantly I was on my feet, walking towards the surgery room but was stopped by two nurses

"Sir, you can't go in there?"

"Listen here, my girlfriend is in there and I wanna know what the hell is happening? She has been in there for the last two hours so get the hell out of my way before I fucking kill you"

"Sir, if you don't sit down right now, we'll call the security to get you out of the hospital"

"Call them and I'll__"

"Sorry, he's just worried about her" Nate said then dragged me back towards the seats

"What the hell is wrong with you, they know what they are doing so let them do their work"

I was going to reply, when suddenly the sliding doors opened and the doctor exited the operation room. I didn't waste a second as I asked

"Is she okay?"

Instead of answering, he gazed behind me, directly looking at Matt and said

"You're her brother, right? I need you to come with me"

"I'll go with you" Eva and I said at the same time then started following Matt and the doctor

"Tell us what's going on?" Max called after us and Eva nodded.

We walked down a long hallway and stopped at an elevator. He pressed the bottom number and we went down. The elevator finally opened up and we stepped out another hallway directly across from a door that read 'Morgue'

No God.. please, this is not happening..

"No.. No, this is not true" Eva muttured then burst in tears, while I was in a complete shock, not moving an inch.

"No, you're lying" Eva screamed loosimg her temper


No, she can't be dead..

"How did you know?" The doctor asked, surprised

We looked at him confused and Matt asked

"Know what?"

"That it was a joke"

(I bet you fell for it too :p)

When he said that, all the fear and sadness I felt were replaced with anger but before Matt or I could move a muscle, Eva grabbed the doctor by the collar and slammed his body against the wall

"You fucking sick bastard, why would you do that?!!" She shouted and he paled slightly.

Putting his hands up in surrender, he said, "I'm really sorry, it wasn't my fault. The other doctors dared me to do that when we were playin__"

"SHUT UP!! Now if you don't want to be dead in the next two seconds I suggest you tell me how is Alex and where the hell is her room? You don't really want to mess with a pregnant girl, do you? Any words now" that was one of the most precious moments I had seen Eva looking that scary

"Y-yeah.. of course. S-she's alright.. I'll take you to her room now, sorry again"

I sighed in relief when I heard him say that.

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