chapter one

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Hi, my name is Alexandra Owen,I'm blonde with blue eyes.I'm alittle populer at school and no I'm not a bitch. Maybe a little, my friends are Evelyn, Shay, Mason,Danielle,Megan and Aaron.

I used to live very simple life like any girl until that day.


"C'mon it's your birthday, can you please show me that you're a little bit interested"Evelyn shouted in my ear while I was trying to go back to sleep

"Go away I want to sleep"I yelled back

"It's 4.00 pm for Gods sake"Shay said

"We're going to have so much fun today at the club so get your ass up because we're leaving in 30 minutes"Mason yelled.

"I'm up..... okay. Now all of you get out so I can get ready" I told them.

I got up and walked to the bathroom and took a quick shower then dressed in a light blue dress,I put some make up and went downstairs.

"You don't look so bad" My idiot brother, Ashton, said.

I rolled my eyes at him and stayed silent because i know that he's trying to bother me like usual. Don't get me wrong my brother and I are very good friends but sometimes he can be an asshole.

"Don't believe him you look beautiful" said Danielle.

"Actually you look hot" Aaron said then wolf-whistled when he finished his sentence which earned him a smack on the arm from my brother.

"Ow... what was that for ??"Aaron whined, faking hurt.

"She's my sister, idiot" you see my brother can be overprotective sometimes.

I rolled my eyes at them again and said, "are we going to the club or are you planning on staying here?"

"Oh that right.......let's go guys"Shay said as she walked out with us following her.

Now we were standing outside a nearby club. As soon as we entered the club, we found an empty table and sat.

"Ok so we're going to drink until we can't breath,today we'll have so much fun" I said as we ordered our shots

5 hours later...

After I was done dancing, I checked my phone to see I have 34 missed calls and all of them were from Ashton

"Guys lets go to my house, Ashton is calling me every two seconds" I said to my friends.

"He always does that so we think there's an emergency. We're used to his prank, it's getting old" Mason said rolling his eyes

"Yes, but usually I have 15 missed calls from him, not 34"

"Ok let's go"

As we got close to my house I noticed three cars in the garage,ok that's weird.....

I was going to knock the door when Evelyn shouted "Wait wait ... "

She looked at her watch and said " 9.... 8..... 7.... 6.... 5..... 4.... 3.... 2.... "

With that they screamed all togather


I laughed and said

"It's my birthday, not New Year's Eve" I opened the door to see Ashton with his arms crossed and his eyes glassy like he will cry in any moment.

We stood looking at each other, confused at his expression

"What's going on ??" I asked concerned.

SO this is the first chapter

it might be alittle boring but it will get better ..... I promise.





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