Chapter Thirty-One

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Alexandra's pov:

I woke up to the light blinding me. I rubbed my eyes then tried to sit up but my head hurt like hell which made me fall back on bed, or that's what I assumed but when I hit something hard I knew I was on the ground.

How did I end up on the floor?

I groaned and rubbed my head lightly trying to sit up once more. I slowly opened my eyes and looked around, confusedly, this is not my room

Where am I?

And just like that, memories from yesterday came on my mind.

Oh God.. I was adultnapped!!!

Time to freak out...

Still with pounding headache, I got up and started walking slowly towards the door. I turned the knob but as expected it was locked so I started pounding on the door loudly

"Open the fucking door before I open your fucking graves, you fucking bastards" I screamed pounding on the door even harder. I stopped when I heard footsteps and backed away slightly and waited with crossed arms as the sound grew louder.

The door opened and Mr. Idiot came in

"Oh, I see you're awake now"

"No, I'm still sleeping and right now I'm talking to you from my seventh dream for this night"

"No wonder everyone meets you, likes you immediately. I already like you"

"Why don't you cut the crap and tell me why am I here and what do you want from me?"I asked tapping my foot impatiently

"The boss wants to see you"

"Oh so I got adultnapped because 'the boss' wants to see me? Is that the way you meet each other here?"

"Adultnapped?" he laughed like I just threw the biggest joke ever then stared at me amused

"You know what? If we didn't meet in circumstances like this, I'd have invited you for dinner"

Great, now he's flirting with me...

I rolledy eyes then smiled at him a sweet fake smile then said

"If you're done, can we meet your boss so I can go home"

"I don't think you're going home after that"

"And why is that?"

"When he talks to you, you'll understand everything. Now, hurry up. He's already waiting for us"

He grabbed my wrist then started walking, dragging me behind him

"I can walk by myself"

"Oh really? I didn't know that"

"Idiot" I mumbled quietly but I think he heard me because his grip tightened around my arm

"What was that?"


"That's what I thought"

"Idiot" this time I made sure he wouldn't hear

As we walked I noticed there was alot of men guarding every door in the house which make my escape very hard.

I need a plan...

Suddenly I remembered my phone so I felt my pocket and sure enough it was there.

What a shitty kidnappers!

We suddenly stopped at a wooden door and Polite Justin knocked on it and we stood waiting for his majesty to reply

"Come in" and we entered his office to find a guy in his twenties sitting on a chair looking between papers.

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