𝟷𝟹. 𝙿𝙰𝚂𝚃-𝟹

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20-year-old Gabriel's POV

It's been one fucking week since Juliet has even uttered a single word to me.

I am the biggest asshole on the whole planet for making her cry like that, I was just fucking some random chick imagining it to me my Jules but just my luck she had to walk in. I even gave Ezio a fair beating for letting Juliet walk in on me like then when he was supposed to guard the door. I have not slept even a single day because I don't even know how to sleep without her by my side.

God! What a mess!

I need my Jules back. With that in mind, I drive to her school in hopes to talk to her because at home she would lock herself up in her room or stay over at Annalisa's.

I park my car outside the building of the school and see students walking out of there. Everyone eyes my car curiously but I just ignore them and focus on the doors of the school. Finally, she walks out of there but with a boy... A FUCKING BOY! HE IS DEAD MEAT!

When I see her hug him, that is when I lose my shit. I take long strides towards them ignoring the whispers and murmurs of students. Her eyes go wide when she sees me and I grab that boy's collar slamming his body against the wall.

"Gabriel! Leave him!" Juliet shouts but I ignore her.

"Listen here kid, if I ever see you even ten feet near her ever again then I will make your life a living hell" I warn him. The scared boy nods and runs off in the other direction.

I grab Juliet's hand and drag her out of there.

"Are you out of your mind?!" she screams as soon as we reach the car.

"Don't test my patience, Jules...Get in!" I order and she sees everyone looking at us before she gets in.

The drive is completely silent my knuckles turn white as I tightly grip the steering wheel taking deep breaths calming myself. I find it hard o control myself when all I want to do is to find that boy and beat the shit out of him, then spank Juliet's ass beat red. As soon as I stop in front of the mansion and gets out slamming the door of the car but I follow her.

"Juliet wait!" I say grabbing her hand making her turn around.

"Just go and fuck that slut!" she screams and I am a little taken aback by her outburst because she never curses.

"Listen to me" I whisper.

"I don't want to listen to you...I am sure one of your girlfriends will listen" she replies trying to get out of my grip but failing.

"DAMN IT JULES! I LOVE YOU" I scream making her look at me with shock.

No words are spoken for a

"Y-you love me?" she asks.

"Yes! I have loved you since the day I first saw you...You are like the very air I breathe and I cannot live without you...that girl meant nothing, no one does except you...please just don't leave me" I say the last part choking on my words thinking about having lived without her.

She cups my cheeks with her soft hands making me look into her teary eyes. She goes on her tiptoes and her lips meet mine. My body completely stops functioning, it feels too good to be true like a dream. Her lips are like drugs but sweet. Soon I find myself kissing her back with equal eagerness, my hands on her tiny waist.

𝑨𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔 [part 1 &2] (18+)Where stories live. Discover now