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Ivan's POV

The man whom I have come to know as the very famous Gabriel Valentino aka Lucifer is sitting right in front of me. His right-hand man standing right behind him while Pavel stands behind me. No one speaks for a moment as both the Italians are looking at me with scrutinizing eyes.

"So, you are Vladimir's nephew?" the seated man says.

"I am sure you are not here to tell me that you know of my family background" I take out a cigarette from the box on my table. I offer it to the man in front of me but he just looks at the pack with disgust telling me his answer. Pavel hands me the lighter which I use to burn the tip and take a large puff.

"So, what can I help you with?" I ask and lean back into my leather seat.

"I am sure you already know that I killed your uncle" the man says with no expression on his face.

"Well, you killed him before I could" I tell him honestly. That man was the only thing that made me hate the blood in my veins. Valentino looks at me with accessing eyes wondering whether or not I am lying.

"I am glad to hear that" he lets out a sigh, "I do not want any unnecessary war right now" he says while looking at a distance outside the window.

"Is that all?" I ask because I have no time for small talks.

"No" he replies and looks back at me, "I heard you got into a deal with the American mafia".

My hands stop midway from taking another puff. I am reminded of the beauty that lay in the bed a day ago...her beautiful scent still lingering in my entire fucking room. I have banned anyone from entering. That is only for me and me alone.

"I did" I reply and take one more puff, a large one this time to calm myself from though of her.

"Then I must have you know that I am at war with them" he leans a little closer to the table this time.

Of course, I know of the war...the entire world knows it. The war is the reason why I came here thinking that this might be the perfect time to get into an alliance with the American mafia as they would need help against the Italians and I wanted the business. But oh, how wrong was I to think that I would be the one using the situation in my favor. I am now nothing but a mere pawn in her hands that will do whatever she commands and at the same time, I want to use her too in every way possible.

"And?" I prompt him to say further.

"And I want you to stay out of it...that is if you don't want to end up like your uncle" he blatantly says.

I throw my head back and laugh...I can't control it. It takes me a few seconds to regain my composure and throw the cigarette into the ashtray. I lean forward and put my elbows on the table.

"If you think for one second that I am weak like my uncle then you are mistaken Mr.

Valentino...I may have been away from the mafia but I was in no way out of it. Just because

I am not coming for your throne doesn't mean I can't have it. It's simply unnecessary bloodshed. So, I will say it again Mr. Valentino...You. Can't. Hurt. Me." I tell him each and every word with dead seriousness.

I have more men than him...all in hiding, of course, living normal lives until I call on them. My uncle was a fool who only ran everything on the surface and was only after money and women while I have always done all the meetings. I kept the true power of our mafia hidden, even from him. A life of stardom was not for me so I stayed far away from the public eye after a promise to my mother. But alas! I had to come forward when there was no one to take over our family's legacy.

𝑨𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔 [part 1 &2] (18+)Where stories live. Discover now