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Juliet's POV

"Ivan" I whisper his name, gun pointed straight between his eyes.

He isn't even looking at the barrel of my gun just looking me dead in my eyes. "What the fuck are you doing here?!" I snap at him while he just eyes me up and down, leaving a hot trail of goosebumps on his way.

"I just wanted to see what your room looked like" he looks around. "Doesn't look like you" he says and gets up while leisurely walking around my room as he owns it.

"I will have you killed for this" I threaten with the gun still pointing at him. He turns, looks at me, and smiles.

"Then I have one last request...you...shoot right here" he points his index finger right over his heart. I finally notice that tonight he is in a white shirt with the top two buttons opened, a black jacket with matching pants, and those damned silver chains around his neck. I put my gun back on the table.

"How did you get here?" I ask him with narrowed eyes as he makes his way inside my closet.

"I have my ways" he shrugs as he opens my drawer and it must be a coincidence because it is my underwear one that he opened. He freezes for a moment before he takes a nude thong out.

"Wear this" he says while my underwear is hanging on his index finger.

"No" I scoff while rolling my eyes.

"You are right..." he keeps the underwear back inside the drawer and turns to look at me "I like you without any" he takes a step in my direction, then one more until he is right in front of me, the back of my knees touch the edge of my bed "so, why don't we fix that". His hands shoot out and grab my ass tightly and pulling my body flush against his own. I gasp, my hands resting on his hard chest on their own accord. His grip tightens on my ass cheek making me hiss.

"I was thinking" he whispers against my lips and I can't help but nod. I mean I can first fuck him and then kill him. "Since I trespassed into your room" his one hand reaches in front, circling around a loose tendril of my hair, "I can take advantage of you...I mean it is expected out of me since you are so irresistible" he whispers. His eyes held me in a spell.

"Will you make me do whatever you want?" I play along since the idea is too intriguing to deny. His eyes go dark and his smirk widens.

"Of course" he tucks a few strands of loose hair behind my ear. I garb touch his chest slightly and watch as he sighs in contempt, my hands move further south until I reach the tent of his jeans. He groans when I press my palm against his hard cock but I quickly turn and push his harshly taking him by surprise. He lands on the bed giving me a dark look.

"Don't you dare think about walking away fro-" he growls sitting upright but I shut him up while kneeling in front of him. His eyes are hooded in the room's darkness only illuminating dark grey color thanks to the lights from the outside world.

"What makes you think that I will not call my men in here to kill you" I ask him wanting to know the answer from him because I don't have an answer.

"Because you want me" he whispers. I gulp when his eyes dilate and my hand reaches the upper part of his thighs, stroking gently.

I have had all men killed who even dare to try to get inside my house, even though with all light security it is almost impossible. But something tells me that even if I can, I will never harm this man...at least not knowingly.


"How did you even get in?" I ask my attention drawing away from his raging cock for a second.

"I'll tell you after" he hisses like in pain and I look down to see the huge tent in his jeans threatening to pop out any second.

I smoothly open the buckle followed by his button and zipper. I lick my lower lip when I see the wet spot on his black boxer letting me know exactly what I would taste as soon as I have him in my mouth.

𝑨𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔 [part 1 &2] (18+)Where stories live. Discover now