𝟷𝟻. 𝙿𝙰𝚂𝚃-𝟻

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22 years old Gabriel's POV

The day I've been dreading is finally here, my father died a month ago in a plane crash leaving the entire mafia into chaos in the middle of a war with Russians. I am unhappy, not because he died, hell he must be dancing in hell fires right n

Now I am unhappy because now I have stay away from my Juliet for some time now.

After my father's death, I came straight to Italy but I also brought Juliet with me, guess I just wanted some more time with her. I was so happy when I learned that she loved here in Italy because once things settle down in the mafia, the first thing I will do is bring Juliet here permanently.

"You don't have to be so sad...It's just one year" Juliet voice breaks my thoughts.

I see her looking at me with a sad smile making my heart clench further. Her suitcases are packed and she has to leave for Spain in an hour. We are in our room, the beautiful room that Juliet chose for us, it is in the eastern wing. This is forever going to be just ours.

"I don't think I can survive that long without you" I sigh.

"You will mi amor (my love)" she says walking towards me and sitting on my lap.

Oh! How much I am going to miss her sweet addicting smell. I don't think I can let her go, even if it just for one year which is way too long but I have to for her own safety.

"I will call you every single day and I promise that I will always pick up whenever you call me" she assures me.

"I will miss you so much bambina (baby)" I whisper leaning into the crook of her neck and inhaling.

"You will be way too busy to miss me" she rolls her eyes.

"Never" I tell her seriously, she smiles and kisses me with her soft lips.

"I have something for you" she says getting up from my lap.

"What?" I ask.

Instead of replying she walks towards her purse and takes out a black velvet box, handing it to me. I see the F.P Journe logo on it and open it to reveal a platinum vintage watch. I am shell shocked with her gift, it the most beautiful watch I've ever seen. I take it out and turn it over to see their beautifully engraved two words...

'Mi amor'

I look at her with a huge smile and hug her tightly, she laughs hugging me back.

"You gave me something so I had to return the favor" she says talking about the tattoo that gave her just a few days back on her beautiful smooth skin.

"It is the most beautiful thing anyone has ever given me...I promise this is going to be the only watch I ever wear" I tell her.

"Whenever you look at it, you will know that I am always here with you" she says leaning her forehead against mine.

"Always" I whisper back.


"Please don't cry baby" I say wiping away the precious tears. God, I am this close to letting her stay here with me just so that she never cries but I can't be selfish to keep her here in the middle of a war.

"Are you sure I can't stay?" she says between sobs.

"I wish for nothing more but you know you can't" I speak kissing her forehead.

𝑨𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔 [part 1 &2] (18+)Where stories live. Discover now