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It's been so long since I have written a smut...soooo...Spoiler alert it gets crazy and believe me I don't use that word lightly. 

If u don't feel like it then feel free to skip it even though I know all you people are just waiting for the FREAKSHOW to start.

Don't forget to cross your legs!


Juliet's POV

As soon as the gates of the limo opens, I walk out towards the hotel where Ivan is staying. Before I could take another step ahead, he grabs my arm roughly and dragging me with him. It's like he cannot wait to reach his room. I could see his men all over the hotel looking at us with shock.

"Slow down you jerk" I tell him trying to pry his hands away.

"Sweetheart, if I could, I would take you right here but then everyone will see what is only meant for my eyes" he says and takes large strides. I gulp nothing but dryness of my throat as we finally make our way to the elevator. The man whom I shot at the club is standing by the elevator and even he can't make his shocked expression.

"Pavel...no one disturbs me tonight" with that he practically pushes both of us inside the private elevator. My panties are now in an uncomfortable puddle as the elevator door closes and I am enclosed with his mouth-watering scent in the small space. His hand clenches mine tightly but he not looking at me...not directly...his stormy eyes are watching me from the mirror in front of us as the elevator rides up.

"Will you fuck me here?" I ask while leaning back.

"No" he replies immediately making me scowl, he turns "not today at least". I look directly into his eyes and there so much swirling inside there...so many emotions that make me weak from inside out. No! I will never let emotions come in between...

Been there done that.

"Come in" he gently tugs inside the same penthouse that I was earlier.

Well, tonight is the night that I will finally get a piece of some good Russian meat. I lick my lower lip as he leads me to the...dining table? Well, a gold old table sounds good too.

"Sit" he orders as he pulls out a chair for me. I comply in confusion wondering as to what kind of play is this? He then pulls an already placed plate of food. Wait! Does he have a food fetish or something? I have never tried it before but maybe it might be good.

"Eat" he orders as he starts to fill two glasses with wine.

"Did you bring me here just so we can eat?" I ask him with clear disappointment. His eyes meet mine as he pushes a glass of wine in my direction.

"I don't drink that" I make disgusting face, I only drink Scotch...neat.

Then with his other hand he cups my jaw softly and brushes his fingers making me close my eyes. The next thing I know is I feel the bittersweet fruity taste slipping down my throat. I open my eyes to see him looking directly into mine...daring me to stop him. He finally pulls the glass away causing a drop to roll down my neck and he leans I swiping his hot tongue against my cold skin and licking the liquid. None of us say anything.

"Eat" he says and takes a sip of his own wine, "I will not have you passing out on me in the middle" his eyes are gleaming with suggestion.

"If you think you can tire me then you are wrong" I scoff before finally picking up a fork full of pasta and eating it.

𝑨𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔 [part 1 &2] (18+)Where stories live. Discover now