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Juliet's POV

I open my eyes and find myself in the soft bed.

I sit up straight in bed and realize that I am in a jet. Then everything comes rushing back. My stomach twists inside and tears form in my eyes. My father might not make it and I never even got to say how sorry I was for acting too selfishly and breaking all my relations with him when he never really did anything wrong. How can he even know about what was happening between me and Gabriel when I was dead set on not letting anyone know.

I did exactly what Gabriel did to me...I gave him no chance to even explain himself.

Getting up I realize a tube is connected to my forearms and pull the needle out before walking out of the room. I don't even care that I am in lounge pajama sets. As soon as I get out of the bedroom, I see many unfamiliar men and women with Russian mafia symbols on their wrists Did Ivan send his men? Is he not here? Suddenly I want him here...I cannot explain but when he walked up to me and caught me in his arms it felt like everything would be all right he made me believe that I might see my father again.

My questions are answered when I see Ivan sitting in the large plush seat looking out with his back at me and Pavel sitting in front of him. Pavel is the first one to see me and quickly looks down in respect.

When I reach them, Ivan's head is turned to me and he looks at me with a worried expression.

"How are you?" Ivan asks. Pavel quickly gets out of his seat and walks towards the back with Ivan's other men.

"Where are you taking me?" I ask impatiently.

"Spain" is all he replies. It doesn't take a genius to realize that Calix probably told him everything and now he is dropping off poor Juliet back at home.

"How long have we been flying?" I ask ignoring his intense gaze.

"6 hours" Ivan says.

"Where is Calix?" I ask.

"He said, he will come in a few days. You have nothing to worry about, I have left my men with him as well" Ivan says. I don't want his fucking help but rather than saying anything I decide to shut up because I have no time to think about anything except for my father.

"I will fight the war on your behalf...you just have to say the word" he leans closer to me and his hand hovers over mine. I look down and wonder how can just a little graze of his hand cause my entire body warm.

"No. I am promising you. I will do any fucking thing for you" his words are clouding everything. I open my mouth in a moment of vulnerability to tell him yes, but before I could say anything thankfully the air hostess comes carrying a trolly filled with alcohol.

Just what I needed.

When the air hostess finishes pouring the drink, she looks down at Ivan with lust filled gaze and for a second I want to smash the bottle on her fucking head. Ivan senses my expression and looks up at the woman in confusion. She puts her hand on his shoulder and I ready the bottle for a good smashing but Ivan beats me to it. He immediately grabs her wrist tightly making her wince and drop the bottle of whiskey.

"If you even think looking at me again then I will throw you off of this damn plane right fucking now!" Ivan lets go of her hand and wipe his hand like he has caught some kind of disease.

The air hostess runs back and I look at Ivan.

"Gentleman, aren't you" I bite my lower lip to control my smile.

"I am only a gentleman for you my sweetheart" he smirks and leans back while pouring himself another glass and not the one made by that bitch from before.

𝑨𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔 [part 1 &2] (18+)Where stories live. Discover now