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"I got it!" You internally groaned as the door swung open, closing just as quickly. "I got your coffee!"

You closed your eyes for a moment and sighed. He headed over and you could feel his presence before you. "Mm." You thought he'd take the hint to set it down and go. He didn't.

"Ms. Y/N?" He leaned closer; you could hear his voice get louder. "Are you sleeping?"

How stupid.

You opened your eyes and he pulled back quickly. "Sorry to have woken you-- I got your coffee!" He held it out and you took it from his hands.


"You should make sure it's correct." You took a small sip and nodded.

"It's fine." He smiled, hands clasped in front of him. You set your coffee to the side and reached for your purse.

"Oh, no, no, its okay, really." You glanced up. "It was an honour just to be able to get it for you; you don't need to pay me back for it."

"I was getting my lipgloss." He turned a deep shade of red and nodded quickly, scratching the back of his head.

"Oh-- sorry."

You ran the liquid over your lips and checked it in the little mirror that came attached to the side of the tube. You stuck it back in and glanced at the door. Still no Taehyung.

He rocked on his feet and looked around. "Are you going to be filming anything new soon?"


"Oh, right." You went back to your phone and he checked his. His eyes lit up and he unlocked it to reply to whatever he'd received. Girlfriend, maybe?

"Would you like to do anything?" You looked up to see him smiling, his phone away in his pocket again. He looked like a kid, with the way his backpack hung over his shoulders and his bucket hat and hair covered the top half of his face. Cute.

"I'm good."

"Are you sure? Ten hours is a long time."

"I was hoping to relax-- in quiet." He nodded.

"That sounds like a nice idea." You gave him a nod and leaned back, hoping he'd get the message. He did and sat down in the lounge chair in front of you. You closed your eyes.

"Will you be staying here, Jungkook?" He looked up at you as you spoke and his heart raced as you used his name.

His idol knew his name. You knew his name.

"C-- can I?" You looked at him for a moment and he grew nervous.

"How old are you?" The question startled him.

"Me?" You stared. "I'm only a bit older than you, Ms. Y/N!" You nodded. "I graduated last year."


"I'm still on the search for a job though, I keep app--"

"In quiet?" you reminded him. He nodded quickly.

"Right, yes." He slowly leaned back, taking your mild conversation as a sign that, yes, he could stay.

And so he fell asleep, relaxing in quiet too.


"Wake up!" Jungkook turned, his mouth slightly open as soft snores left him. You groaned. "Jungkook!"

"Huh?" You shook his shoulder.

"Wake up--"

"Screw off, hyung." He pushed you off of him. He was so strong that he'd managed to send you into the next seat with a push, half asleep.

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