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"Home!" You smiled and shut the door behind you. "Mama home!"

"Hi!" you cooed, scooping her up. You kissed your daughter's head and she wrapped her arms around your neck. Her nanny emerged from Elise's room and you gave her a smile.

"Hi, miss-- I've cooked dinner but she hasn't eaten yet." You nodded.

"Have you had a bath, my love?" Your daughter nodded and nuzzled into your neck. "Thank you, Daisy."

"Of course." You said your thank-yous again and she headed out. You set your baby on the counter.

"Shall we eat, Elise?" 

She nodded. "Yes, please!" She giggled and you kissed her head. "Yum?"

"If Daisy made it for us, I'm sure it is."

You went to fill a plate for yourself and a plastic bowl for her to eat. She waited patiently. "Miss you today, mama." 

You gave her a small smile. "Missed you too, honey."

"Mama dance today?" 

You carried her to her highchair. "I don't dance, remember?" You set the bowl in front of her. "Mama acts."

"Ac-s," she repeated with a nod. You handed her a baby fork and she did her best to dig into her noodles. You sat down next to her in a chair.

"What'd you do today, Elise?" 

She frowned, thinking "Play." She put down her fork to count with her fingers. "Play, eat snacks, yogurt! play and naptime." You smiled.

"That sounds eventful."

"See Joon soon?" she asked. You sighed. "Milk yum too."

"I asked Daisy to get you banana milk, didn't I?" You stood to head to the fridge. "Here it is-- a whole carton full."

"No!" You smiled. "Not same, mama."

"I'm sorry, baby, but we aren't gonna visit Joon for a while." She slumped forward and picked up her fork again, leaning her chin against her small fist. "I'm sorry." You kissed her head and she sighed.

"Want Kookie, mama."

"Maybe after dinner if you finish all of your food." She giggled.

"Kookie!" She raised her arms. "Big Kookie! Hand picture Kookie!" She dragged her hands up her arm. You sighed. His tattoos. Right.

"I'm not sure." She frowned at you. You ate your food quietly after that. When you were done, you scooped her up, carrying her to the sink to get cleaned up.

"Hands!" she screeched, flapping them around under the tap. You smiled.

"That's right."

"Hands too?" You set her down and washed your own hands. She giggled, reaching up once you'd dried them.

"Off to bed we are." She giggled. You walked her to her room, helped her into bed, and sat next to her until she fell asleep, stroking her hair softly. Once she was out, you turned off the light and headed out.

Now your evening would begin.

You cleaned up what you had to and showered before getting into your own pyjamas. You didn't have much to do; look over your lines for the next few scenes, make sure Elise's things were sorted out-- doctor's appointments, preschool applications, of the sort.

And you could get in bed. At nine pm. This is why when Taehyung called you, you weren't so annoyed that it was after hours. "Hey."

"Hi." You waited as you leaned your head against the headboard.

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