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"Good morning, everyone!"

Yoongi looked up and almost let himself grin as Jungkook handed him his coffee.

"Wow." He took a sip and-- yup, espresso was there.

"Is it okay this time?" Yoongi nodded and Jungkook grinned. "Are Ms. Y/N and hyung here yet?" Yoongi shrugged, going back to his laptop screen as he sipped on his coffee. Jungkook walked around in search of his two friends, a cup of coffee in either hand.

"Ms. Y/N!" he called out as if to lure you out. "I have coffee!"

"And for me?" Jin chuckled as Jungkook's eyes widened.

"I'm sorry, Jin hyung-- I didn't know you wanted coffee!" Jin shook his head. "Next time I'll get you some too, I promise."

"It's alright-- I have my own breakfast." Jungkook looked in curiously as Jin pulled out a container. "My wife makes me take them."

"Did she make you breakfast?" Jungkook smiled at the thought-- that's cute.

"No, I do the cooking in our home." Jungkook nodded. "You do either?" Jungkook nodded.

"I do the cooking and Jimin-- my roommate-- does the cleaning." Jin nodded as someone ran a comb through his hair. He let them as he ate his breakfast wrap.

"Well that's a good way to do it-- is he the one I wrote my autograph for?" Jungkook nodded. "Good kids-- what does he do?"

"He's in accounting, hyung-- well, he's doing an internship like me right now for it." Jin nodded, covering his mouth with his hand as he chewed.

"Could never do all that math." Jungkook giggled.

"Me neither but he says it isn't even tha--"

"Jungkook!" Yoongi called.He turned to his name. "Jungkook-- why are you wasting time? Come here."

"Yes, hyung!" Jungkook grinned and waved at Jin, who simply smiled and waved before going back to his wrap. "Hi, hyung, I was just talking to Ji--"

"Y/N and Taehyung are here and I need you to give him the updated version of the script of today's scenes for her-- the one I changed." Jungkook nodded, taking the papers and pressing them to his chest so he could still use both hands to hold the cups.

"Are we filming the budget meeting scene today?"

"Mhm, and I want you to direct it." Jungkook nodded confidently.

"I can do it, hyung-- don't worry, I know this scene very well and--"

"Give them the script, Jungkook." He nodded and ran off.

"Hyung!" He ran towards the office in the building that they were filming in that had become your changeroom. He took a deep breath as he knocked. The door opened in a few moments.

"Ye-- oh." Taehyung stepped out of the room, closing the room door behind him as he stared at Jungkook. Kook smiled, looking past him and at the door.

"Good morning, hyung! Is Ms. Y/N in there?" Taehyung glanced at the contents In Jungkook's arms.


"I brought you guys coffee!" Taehyung stared. He knew he should have stopped for coffee on the way here. He knew it-- now you'd have to take Jungkook's. "Can I see Ms. Y/N? I also have to giv--"

"She's busy right now." Jungkook's face fell and he sighed.

"Well-- can I say good morning at least? Yoongi hyung said I'm supposed give her the--"

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