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"So how's that script coming along?" Jungkook looked up.

"It's... coming." Yoongi sighed. "I'm having a hard time, hyung."

"No one said writing was easy." Jungkook propped his chin up on his palm. "You better get it done."

"I will!" Yoongi sighed, checking the filming schedule. "I promise!"

"Here." Yoongi scratched something onto the paper. "I'll change it-- we'll film your scene on the last day you're here." Kook's eyes widened.

"Really?" Yoongi nodded. "You'd do that?"

"It better be good." Jungkook wrapped his arms around Yoongi again. This was always a strange position; Jungkook towered over the man but still somehow felt so much smaller as he squeezed.

"Alright." He gave Jungkook's back a few pats as he let go. "I won't write that reference letter if it isn--"

"It'll be awesome, hyung, I promise!" Yoongi shook his head and turned to his laptop as Jungkook appeared next to him once again. "Hyung?"


"Ms. Y/N's birthday is soon." 

"Is it?"

"Yep." Yoongi looked up. "Can we hold her a birthday party?"

"We don't have time for a party."

"Party?" Jin asked, strolling right in as a makeup artist trainee ran after him. "Did I hear party, Jungkookie?"

"Yes!" Jungkook bounced on his feet. "For Ms. Y/N! Since her birthday's soon!" Jin slipped his phone out.

"Is it?" He scrolled through his calendar. "It is."

"Mhm-- should we plan a party?" Yoongi looked at Jin, shaking his head.

"C'mon, Yoongi-- it'll be fun," Jin reasoned.

"We're already behind on filming."

"It'll only be a few minutes, wouldn't it?'' Jungkook nodded. "Bring a cake, eat it-- it'll be nice for her."

Yoongi sighed, rubbing his forehead. "Please, hyung!" Jungkook grinned. "I can plan the whole thing-- she'll come and we'll jump out with a cake!"

Jin smiled, asking Yoongi with his eyes. "It'll be good for her-- with everything going on with y/ex." Jungkook's head tilted.

"Who's that?" he asked. "Who's y/ex--"

"No one, buddy-- it's a yes to the little party, isn't it, Yoongi?"

"I'm not buying the cake," Yoongi sighed, turning back to his screen. Jungkoom cheered.

"I'll get the cake, hyung!" Jin smiled. "We all just have to make sure we come before Ms. Y/N gets here! And, no one can tell her, okay?"

"Sounds like a plan, Kook."


"Are you sure?"

"I think so." You stared at the screen. "I think this is the best way to do it."

"Have you talked to Elise?"

"I want to wait until the date nears." Hoseok nodded. "Has he sent anything back regarding the custody thing?" He shook his head.

"Not as of yet-- I think it's better if we move on and let everyone know about you two." You nodded. "Are you sure, one hundred percent, that you want to do this y/n?"

"It'll be fine, Hobi-- as long as I'm the one to explain, I'm sure it'll be okay." You let out a sigh. "It'll be a weight off of my shoulders too, wouldn't it?" He nodded.

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