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"And I think that's a wrap for this morning." Jungkook stood and stretched his arms as Yoongi flipped through the script. "Lunch break and we'll start with scene 38."

Jungkook curled back up in his chair, hood over his head as hugged his backpack. "Wanna share some of my sushi?" Jin plopped into Yoongi's director's chair. He was determined to see Jungkook better before he left set.

"I'm not that hungry."

"You sure? It's really good-- I made it just this morning." It was like Jungkook's nose perked up when Jin opened the container. "Hm?"

"Just one," he whispered. Jin chuckled and extended an extra pair of chopsticks for Jungkook to take. "Thank you, hyung."

"Of course; you're welcome to take more than one, okay?" Jungkook gave him a small smile and they ate together.

"That's all?" Jungkook turned to the sound of Taehyung's voice. "Did you want that celery juice you'd been liking recently?" Jungkook watched from across the room as you nodded.

"Yes, that too." Taehyung smiled and walked away. Jin finished swallowing and waved his arms.

"Ah, y/n-- come join us." You glanced at Jungkook before walking over. He gave you a small smile-- nothing near the large bunny ones you'd been used to receiving.

"Hey." Jin pulled up a chair for you and you sat. Jungkook crossed his legs.

"I'm done, hyung." Jin looked over.

"You sure?" Jungkook nodded. "Did you want anything to drink?"

"That's okay." Jin smiled.

"You can't just eat and not have anything to drink-- you've finished your water too; let me go get you something." Jungkook opened his mouth to protest but Jin was already waving him off to go get something.

Jungkook let out a heavy sigh and you sat in silence. He broke it. "Do you ever get sad, Ms. Y/N?" Your eyebrows raised.


"What do you do when you get sad?" You wanted to roll your eyes a little.

"Tell Taehyung to take care of the issue." Jungkook giggled at this and it almost-- almost-- made you smile.

"He can't take care of my problems;" he said eventually. He was quiet for a moment. "Ms. Y/N?"


"My roommate's moving away." You nodded.

"Good for him." Jungkook rested his cheek against his palm, elbow against his knee.

"I'm gonna be so lonely." You said nothing; instead picking at your pantsuit leg. "Who's gonna play overwatch with me now?"

"You can play alone." 

Jungkook sighed. "It's not the same." You sat in silence after that. So that's what he was upset about? His friend was moving out?

It made you want to scoff a little.

"I got you chocolate milk-- is that okay?" Jungkook looked up at Jin who gave him a smile as he handed the little brown bottle to him. 

"Chocolate milk?" Jungkook's eyes watered.

Jimin likes chocolate milk-- who was gonna buy chocolate milk at home now?

A tear rolled down and your mouth fell open. "Oh--"

"Ah, Jungkookie." Jin sighed as he handed Jungkook a tissue to dab at his eyes. "You should go home early, Jungkook, okay?"

"No, Yoongi hy--hyng might need me." You wouldn't think so. "I should stay."

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