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"Ms. Y/N!" You winced at the sounds of the knocking on your door. "Ms. Y/N! You can't be asleep yet, can you?"

You didn't even bother responding as you sat on your couch, sipping your drink. You leaned your head back, your phone's notification sound going off on the kitchen counter. You considered smashing it against the ground.

Powering it off would be enough.

"Ms. Y/N!" Jungkook sang. "I brought you the rest of your cake-- you left it when you left today!"

You sighed and stood, going to turn your phone off. Dropping into the fruit basket, you walked back to the couch. Jungkook hadn't stopped knocking. "Maybe you're asleep," he wondered out loud, "but if I leave the cake here-- someone might take it! Or worse-- bugs might get in it!"

You closed your eyes and raised your wine glass to your lips. It was empty. With a sigh you walked to the kitchen to refill it, only to drop the glass again. You gasped as it shattered against your tiles. You could hear Jungkook gasp from outside your door.

"Ms. Y/N?" he knocked harder. "Are you awake-- are you okay?" You glared at the door, tears in your eyes again. You wiped them all away.

"Go home, Jungkook."

"Ms. Y/N?" You stormed to the door, pulling your robe over your body tightly as you pulled the front door open. Jungkook fell in, having leaned against it. You stepped out of the way and he stumbled in. You wanted to push him back out. He looked down at you.

"Ms. Y/N?"

"Get the fuck out, Jungkook."

"What happened?" He stared at you before looking into the apartment. The glass shards blended in perfectly with your white tiles of course; it was terribly hazardous for a place with a toddler.

Speaking of toddler.

"Mama?" Elise stumbled out of her room in her pyjamas, rubbing her eyes. She stared for a moment, eyes finding Jungkook and then landing on the cake in his hands. She gasped. "Cake? Kookie?"

She began to run over and Jungkook gasped, running over himself. He set the cake on the counter before sliding across your hardwood, away from the glass, to grab your daughter. You crossed your arms, pissed.

"You have to be careful," Jungkook whispered, standing straight with the toddler on his hip. "There's glass-- see?"

Elise frowned, leaning down to see. "Mess?" He nodded. "Kookie make mess?"

"I think it was an accident," he explained, glancing at you. You looked away. "Why don't you go back to sleep?"

"Want cake!" she pointed to the cake, now safely on the counter-- away from bugs.

"How about in the morning?"

"Now!" Jungkook glanced at the glass, still nervous even though she was safe in his arms. "Please?" She wiped her eyes. "Please-- no more sleep!"

"Um." He thought. "How about we play a game and if you win, you can have some cake?" Her eyes lit up.

"Uh huh! Wanna play too!"

"Okay, you have to go to your room and sit quietly." She nodded. "You can play with your bunny if you want." She nodded some more.

"Uh huh!"

"And if you're still quiet by the time-- by the time Kookie cleans up this mess, then we can have some cake, okay?" It wasn't the best, he'd admit that, but it worked.

"Okay!" She pointed to her room. "Go!"

Jungkook giggled and carried her to her room to get back into bed. He set it up so she would fall asleep on her own, turning her lights off as well, closing the door as he held a finger to his lips. She gestured him back over.

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