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"Your phone's at ten percent." Jungkook looked up from the chip bag he was playing with. He gave you a smile.

"That's okay."

"If I leave the flashlight on, it'll drain." He shrugged. "I'll turn it off."

You clicked it off and sighed, sitting in the dark. You played with your fingers for a minute before Jungkook spoke up. "Do you wanna play a game, Ms. Y/N?"

"Not really."

"Should we play two truths and a lie?" Ah, nice one, Jungkook-- you weren't going to fall for that.

"No thanks."

"Should we play truth or truth?"

"That's practically the same thing." He giggled.

"Should we play hand games or something?" You let out a loud sigh as you sensed him move from his chair back to the one next to you. You'd didn't turn in your seat as he faced you. You felt a poke in your arm and sighed.

"I'm not interested, Jungkook."

"Oh," he mumbled. "Okay." You sat quietly for a moment until he spoke up. "You can call me Kook if you want-- or JK."

"No thanks."

"Everyone calls me that; it's okay." You sighed. "What's your nickname?"

"You can keep calling me what you do." You could feel him nod.

"Okay, Ms. Y/N." You played with your fingers and he coughed a little, raising his arm to cover his mouth. You leaned your head back against the chair and felt his breath against your neck. You turned around and he was facing you.


"I never thought I'd get to see you so up close before," he whispered. "Not that I can really see you but you know what I mean."

"I'm not an object for you to see up close," you snapped. You could see the glint in Jungkook's eyes as they widened.

"No-- no, no-- I didn't mean it like that, Ms. Y/N. It's just that-- I'm-- I like you a lot and it's crazy because I never thought I could ever-- ever even meet and now we're friends and--"

"We aren't friends."

"We're kind of friends!" You sighed and rubbed your forehead. "We're practically locked in this room together-- I think that at least kind of makes us friends, don't you think?"


"Well, maybe just a little bit." You didn't bother responding. "I talk a lot-- I'm sorry." You could tell.


"My roommate talks a lot too so it works out for us." You picked at your jeans. Gosh, you really needed a shower and clean clothes. "He's my best friend so I guess we have tons to talk about."

"Good for you."

"Yeah-- we saved up from high school to be able to move in together." You closed your eyes. "And then after university-- we shared a dorm too-- we moved in together and it's awesome--"

"Can I listen to music?" He nodded rapidly.

"Do you... do you like my music?" 

You don't respond to this and ask another question instead. "Where'd you get some of these songs?"

"They're unreleased!" he said excitedly. "But they're on youtube-- I can, I can give you the links for them--"

"It's fine." You glanced at him to see his face fall. You sighed and shut the phone off as you slid your earbuds in.

harmless//jjkWhere stories live. Discover now