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an// im so sorry i didn't post yesterday :( im literally sos busy with school that i completely forgot. im so so sorry if you were looking forward to the post <3


"Hey." You walked in and Jungkook sat up immediately, waving to you. You set your purse on the counter.

"Hi, Ms. Y/N!" You nodded at him and Joon stood, Elise on his hip.

"We are going to the bathroom," he announced. You gave him a small smile as he took Elise away. Jungkook stood.

"How was work, Ms. Y/N?"


"What scene are we at?"

"I'm not sure." 

Jungkook hummed. "How was the rest of your day?" You looked up as you checked the pots and pans Daisy had left in the kitchen.

"It was fine, Jungkook." 

He nodded. "I like your house."


"You dec--"

"Hello!" You both turned as Namjoon and Elise returned. He sighed and set her down.

"Apparently we did not have to go," he mumbled. Jungkook giggled as she ran to her mother. "She just had a snack, y/n, because I wasn't sure if she was supposed to eat dinner so I gave her a few crackers-- she probably isn't hungry."

"Okay-- thank you, Joon." He shook his head and you kissed Elise on the head as she wrapped her arms around your neck.

"Hi, mama."

"Hi, baby."

"Come play?" She pointed at the living room. "Play with house!" You smiled to see her kitchen set out, various meals prepared with plastic foods.

"That sounds lovely; we'll play after mama showers, okay?"

"Had bathtime already!" She said pointing to herself. You smiled.

"Good gir--"

"Shoot." You looked up at Namjoon as he stared at his phone. "I had a date today."

"Did you miss it?" 

Namjoon shook his head. "She just asked if I was still picking her up," he mumbled, going to get his shoes. Jungkook watched in awe.

"You have a date, hyung?" He nodded. "How'd you meet her?"

"She came to the shop and I asked for her number-- crAP, I don't have time to go home and shower." You smiled.

"You'll make it." Namjoon stood and checked his pockets for everything before leaning over to kiss Elise on the cheek.

"I'll be back soon, okay?" 

The toddler nodded. "Okay!" Namjoon headed out and it was only after you'd shut the door that you realized Jungkook was still here. He grinned.

"Hi," he said again.

"You can head home too if you'd like."

"That's okay-- Elise wanted to show me her dress-up box." Why'd you have to add the if you'd like?


"You can go shower, Ms. Y/N-- I can watch her!" You sighed and put Elise down. She ran straight for her room.

"Alright, well, I'll be out in a few minutes." He nodded and you took one last glance at him before heading to your room. You closed the door just as you heard Elise screaming his name.

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