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an// merry christmas guys! i hope you're all doing well and dandy and that you have a happy holidays :) don't forget to vote and comment <3


"What happened?"

"I'm so sad," Jungkook whispered. JM/F sighed. "I don't know what to do."

"Is this about y/n?" Jungkook nodded and she let him in. "She'll be fine, Kook."

"But this is horrible-- Jimin said they could take Elise away." He sniffled.

"Oh, Jungkook." She let him sit and went to get him some water. "Jimin said you left the café a while ago-- what have you been doing?" She handed him the glass after wiping the bottom of it off on her dress.

"Thank you." He took a sip. "I boxed."

"Yeah?" He nodded. "Did it help?"

"Yeah." He gulped down the rest of the water. "Then I wrote."

JM/F sat next to him. "What'd you write?"

"About Ms. Y/N." Jungkook frowned. "About how great she is and--" he began to stutter and jm/f took the glass from him before he could accidentally drop it.

"It's okay, Kook."

"Why won't she say anything-- if Ms. Y/N said something she might not lose-- lose Elise."

"She won't lose her daughter, Jungkook." Jungkook sniffled again. "She has her company and manager, right?" Jungkook nodded.

"Hobi hyung," he mumbled.

"See-- I'm sure they're doing what's best for her and her career." Jungkook shrugged.

"I'll be so sad if Elise gets taken away."

"She won't, Kookie, don't worry." Jungkook reached for some more water. "What'd you write about her?"

"I wrote my own article." He pulled out his phone. "You can read it if you want, noona."

She sighed and wiped her hands on her skirt as she took his phone. The front door opened just then and they both turned. "Oh, you're here."

Jimin walked over and Kook gave him a teensy smile. "Hi."

"You okay?" Jungkook shrugged and jm/f handed her fiancé the phone. Jimin took it and read as he walked into the kitchen.

"Is that posted?" jm/f asked. Jungkook nodded. "Where did you post it?"

"The website I used to work for, remember? Now it'll get seen by a lot of people."

"Don't you need permission or get the article approved?" Kook shrugged.

"My account's still active; I can still post and approve articles," he mumbled. JM/F sighed.

"Well-- as long as it isn't doing any more harm, I'm sure it's fine."

"I wouldn't harm Ms. Y/N-- ever." Jimin returned, holding up the article.

"This is the most biased thing you've ever written." Jungkook glared. "Isn't this kind of writing not supposed to be biased?"

"Jimin," jm/f warned. "Please." She took the phone from him to read it herself.

"And you used the first person--" he pointed out. JM/F waved him off.

"Well, it's an opinion article, baby--"

"No!" Jungkook grabbed his phone back, holding it close to his chest. "Those are not my opinions-- those are facts."

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