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"How's living with a-"

"With Prem? It's great, actually." I cut my brother off, rolling my eyes at him. "Can't you stop being rude for one second?"

He didn't reply after that, a smirk on his face, a chuckle cracking after. "Time's up. How's living with a stripper?"

"I fucking swear, Ohm." I snarled and pushed pass him. We are currently in one of Fluke's bookstores, the one where Prem would be working at in a few days. Although the kid insisted he'll pass the forms himself, I still won the mini-argument that we had, since I told him that I'd have to meet up with my brother anyways. As usual, Prem was still hesitant whenever I'd offer him something or some sort of help. That's understandable, though. If I was in his position, I'd be the same.

"Seriously, though. Do you guys, you know." My brother whispered from beside me, his face showing seriousness and curiosity. A customer emerged through the front door, making the little bell above it move and ding.

"Do we what?" I whisper-yelled.

"Do you guys bang?"

"Christ's sake, Ohm. He's not like that. He's eighteen, even if he'd hint or go as far as initiate something, I'd say no." I rolled my eyes.

It's true, though, although there were zero initiations or tension, so far, and really, I'm just glad. Lord knows how hard I've been trying to will myself away from my raging teenage-like hormones with Prem walking around my house but I could manage. I have self-control and I respect the guy.

"Yeah, you're like twice his age, huh?" My brother teased, nudging my side with his elbow, making me punch his arm, hard. Although I did it with all my strength, he still managed to laugh at me.

"Hey, uh, hi, Ohm." Fluke mumbled, approaching us in such a shy stupor. He opened the store about ten minutes ago so I told him that I'd just wait for him while he fix things up around.

"Hi, Flukie." My bother greeted and I seriously heard the playfulness in his voice. My asshole of a brother stood up from his seat, approaching my friend with a small but teasing hug, obviously making the guy all shy and smiley. Once he separated from the contact, he sent my friend a sly little wink, making me roll my eyes at him.

"Anyways, Fluke, I got the forms that you need." I spoke happily as I stood up and handed them to him.

"Good, good." He nodded, tucking the envelope between his arm. "So, Prem is-"

"The stripper that currently lives in Boun's house." Ohm spoke, dropping himself on the chair where he sat previously.

"Prem is a friend and I really want to help him out." I ignored Ohm's rude statement, kind of in defense. I am defensive and I don't care. I dislike it whenever people are being assholes towards people who basically did nothing wrong to them. Being a stripper is Prem's job and choice and it is none of any of our business. At least he actually did something to earn his money, instead of just stealing them off of people.

Fluke nodded slowly, his eyebrows slightly scrunched up. He shrugged, nonetheless. "Alright, then. I'll look through these later today." He instructed as another customer entered the store.

"Bye, Flukie!" Ohm chimed when Fluke turned around, heading off to the back room. He didn't look back, though. But I bet he was biting back a smile.


As soon as I got back home, I greeted Prem and went up to my office, continuing work where I left off.

Just weeks ago, I wouldn't even imagine myself saying this but, I think my book is finally coming together. Prem has been staying with me for a solid week but the amount of inspiration that I get from the kid is actually overwhelming to the point where it actually feels like he's been living here for months.

Everyday, I get to learn little things about him. Although I still feel kind of stiff whenever he tries to talk to me, he actually makes an effort to make me feel comfortable. Yeah, ironic how I'm the one who feels all shy and iffy inside my own home. But that's okay, at least it seems like he's trusting me enough to at least converse with me daily.

Mindlessly typing ideas away, I momentarily glanced on the small clock on the corner of my laptop's screen, seeing that it's already past eight pm. Making sure to save the file before leaving my desk, I stretched my arms and back before heading downstairs.

"Prem? I was thinking of ordering pizza, that okay with you?" I shouted on my way to the living room, jogging down the stairs with a yawn. I instantly felt stupid though as soon as I saw the living room empty. Instead, I smelled something coming from the kitchen.

"In the kitchen!" Prem yelled back and so I went there. "You seemed too busy so I didn't bother asking if I could use your food but I hope you don't mind?" He asked as soon as I entered the kitchen.

"No, it's okay." I mumbled, smiling at the boy in front of me. He looks so fucking adorable standing on the other side of the marble kitchen counter on the center, chopping different vegetables, seeming like a pro. To top it all off, he actually found this joke apron that I got from a novelty store in San Francisco. It basically has this design of a buff body with a text saying, 'kiss the chef' on the center. I bought it for my dad but my mom somehow managed to take it out of their bag and put it in mine instead. "You didn't have to go through all of this, I could've just ordered take-out." I commented, sitting down on the bar stool situated across from where Prem is working.

"It's okay, I like cooking anyways." He shrugged, shooting me a small smile momentarily. "I bet you didn't even notice me opening your office door a while ago." He added, chuckling.

"You did?"

"See?" He laughed, dumping the chopped vegetables inside the pot behind him. "And it's okay, you could use a "seemingly healthy" home-made food from time to time." He commented, using his fingers as quotation marks with a giggle.

"Uh-huh, what does that suppose to mean?" I answered back playfully, leaning over the counter to grab a small piece of carrot. Carrots tastes better uncooked rather than eating them cooked, just saying.

"It means that you're such an unhealthy adult, ordering food almost every night. It's bad for you, you know. They put an awful amount of sodium in their food just to make it seem like it has these magical spices in them." He explained, his eyebrows moving up as he talked as if he knows so much about the food that I always order for dinner.

I laughed at the kid, "Yeah, sure. As if you never order food, ya health junkie."

"For your information, Mr. Noppanut, I try to eat healthy as much as I could. I rarely eat take-out and I actually go outside every morning to jog." He replied smugly, now looking at me with a raised eyebrow and a hand to his hip, one side of his mouth raised to a boastful smirk.

"I don't have the time to cook for myself, okay?" I rolled my eyes at him, grabbing more carrots. "And I used to jog every morning but it just got boring when.. I had to do it by myself so.." I mumbled the last part, suddenly feeling like I just slapped myself with the sour memories of Samantha. Coming to think of it, I haven't really think about us or even her the past week. My mind has been occupied by one specific teenager and I guess it's a blessing in disguise on my part.

"Well, good thing I'm here now. I can cook you whatever you want." He proudly said, smiling brightly, looking too damn adorable for his own good.


"Yeah and we could go for a jog every morning, it would be fun." He shrugged his shoulders, turning around and stirring whatever it is that he's cooking.

"That would be nice."

Call It What You Want (BounPrem-Reimagined)Where stories live. Discover now