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I don't get people who complain about Mondays. Sure it's a clear sign of the weekend coming to an actual end. Sure it's a clear indication of a start of a new week but, isn't that a good thing? Like, starting a new week; it means that you can just leave all the unnecessary bullshit behind since it is another new week. Whatever.

What actually gets through my nerves are Thursdays. Thursdays is like that one person who cock-blocks you whenever you're about to set up the mood with someone. Thursday is like that kid in the class who always starts the great plague since he's always the one who starts the common cold in the room. It's this day that hinders you from feeling free and happy as you approach Friday - and God knows everyone loves Fridays.

Anyways, obviously it's Thursday today, seeing as I am unintentionally thrown off to a sour mood. My day started off with my coffee maker acting up. No, actually scratch that - my day started off with a noise waking me up rudely at seven thirty in the god damned morning. Apparently, our neighbor decided that it would be a wonderful idea to get into construction at such early hour. I dragged my self off of the bed because there was no point in going back to sleep, and then I went down only to find out that, somehow, magically, my coffee maker broke itself overnight. I swear to my own grave that I was still able to use it last night and god forbid I was the last one up.

Second thing that sucked is the bathroom. I think - I vaguely think - that I left the faucet on last night, which lead to the water overflowing and making a pond-like situation on the floor. Mind you this, I had to clean my bathroom floor at six in the morning, I had no coffee in me and I was waken up by the annoying drilling noise from our neighbor. Not your ideal way of waking up on a lame Thursday, if you ask me. You might say that I'm over reacting but I went to bed at around four-thirty am because I wanted to catch up with my writing, so I'm just so mad that I didn't get much sleep and everything's so shitty so far.

Oh, and to top it all off, Prems's shift is in the morning today so instead of having my little ray of sunshine here with me, he is working in Fluke's bookstore earlier than the previous days.

Whatever. maybe I could just pass time any way that I could. And by that, I mean I'd be locking myself away from the world and in to my isolated office, typing my thoughts about the boy away and using him as my main inspiration and motivation in finishing my book.


Just as I expected, I stayed far too long inside my office to the point where I didn't even notice that the sun was already down. The only time that I went out was when I heard my door bell ding, signaling that the pizza delivery person is waiting for me to pick-up my delicious meal.

For the first time in a while, I glanced down on the watch, seeing that it's nearing midnight. I stretched out my sore limbs before realizing something, I haven't heard Prem come home yet. Considering his early shift, he should've been hear hours ago. I checked my phone, seeing no text messages or calls from him.

I went down to my kitchen, actually checking. Maybe he was just too quiet when he went in? "Prem?" I called out but no one responded back. I knocked on his room, no one was there. I checked the other remaining rooms and he's nowhere to be found. I decided to go out to the pool area but to my disdain, he isn't there either.

Scrolling through my contacts, I went over to his name and patiently waited for him to pick up as soon as it started ringing. I know that he isn't a kid anymore and I get that he should be left off since he's practically twenty-three years old but he can't just expect me to not be bothered. And mind you, I am a huge worrier.

"Boun? Hey! What's up?" He shouted through the speakers, joy evident in his voice, which actually kind of pissed me off.

"Hey, where are you?" I asked, sitting down on the plastic pool-side chair that I have. "It's almost midnight."

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