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I grew up relying on the beeping sound of an alarm clock as it helped me wake up everyday. And I like it, the comfort that it gives me and that automatically, I wake up and turn it off without hesitations. It's just a thing that I grew accustomed of, I was never really that type of person who dreaded the sound of an alarm clock. Today, though, is different. The thing kept on beeping and beeping and although I refuse to move a single muscle and slam my palm against its stupid button, I know I have to do it in order to stop it from annoying me further.

Stretching my left arm with so much force, instead of touching the cold material of the alarm clock that I've sort of begged myself to feel, I managed to press my hand against a warm, well, person.

The guy chuckled, smiling at me a little as he kept his face scrunched against the soft material of my bed. "G'mornin', love." He greeted, face definitely not mirroring mine. I haven't seen myself yet but I know for a fact that I look like actual shit right now.

"Morning." I grumbled back, leaning over him with my right palm supporting me to shut the alarm clock off. Before I could even shove myself back to my original position beside him, the guy flipped himself, now resting on his back with hands grabbing me by my hips hastily, arms snaking around my waist. "Oh, uh, okay."

"D'you need me to leave?" He questioned, littering needy kisses against my neck. It made my skin crawl, yes, but it felt so weird. Although my senses liked it, ideally, my mind is just not into it. I'm not into it.

"Um, if that's okay with you?" I said, pushing myself off of him and just pushing myself off of my bed completely, standing up and, oh wow, look at that, I'm completely naked. Surprise, surprise. "I have work to do, so.." I mumbled, looking around for my clothes. Once I managed to pull up a pair of sweatpants, I went over to my desk to grab his shimmering shorts that just so happened to be thrown carelessly atop it.

"Alrighty, then." He answered back, still sounding too positive for my liking. But you can't blame me, it's kind of weird, to be honest. I am basically telling him to get out of my house just as we woke up. If I were him, I'd be offended as hell but I guess we're not the same. "I'll see you soon, yeah?" He asked as he approached me, arms hooking around my neck, lips attaching with mine in an instant, tongue gliding against my lips. I felt him smile, a chuckle slipping past him and just like that, he detached himself from me. With a final peck, he's approaching the door, waving at me a little as he left me there all alone.

If you haven't caught up with what just happened yet, I'll give you a little backtrack; basically, this guy and I went overboard with having fun and just not giving any fucks. He went crazy with the vodka shots and if I'm being honest, I really don't know how much he had but that was obviously not in the list of both our concerns. But on the other hand, I was still well-attached with my head. I had seven shots in total last night and although I could faintly feel the floor becoming all fuzzy, I was still well aware with what was going on. Anyways, one thing lead to the other and this guy and I were already going at it, getting a little too touchy and showy for the people around us' liking. Ohm and Fluke went to us, saying that we were being too disgusting already but we eventually just laughed it all off. Ohm called us a ride and we were off back to my place, hence, the situation just mere minutes ago.

Although I could remember everything, funny thing is, I couldn't remember his damn name.

"There he is!" Ohm yelled once I went down the stairs, a huge grin on his face and arms thrown up in the air. I went along and bowed in front of him, us laughing like idiots. "Last night was a killer, man!" He added on, slinging his arm around my shoulder, patting my head and consciously messing my hair.

"I told ya." I shrugged, a lazy smile tugging at my lips, pushing him off of me as I went to the kitchen, hooking up the coffee maker. Ohm sat on one of the bar stools, elbows propped on the marble counter in front of him.

"I doubted you, man, but everything went well last night." He said with a wink. "Where's Coo, anyways?" He asked, eyebrow cocked to my direction.

I looked at him weirdly, thinking for a moment. "Who?"

He laughed. He laughed as if I just told him the funniest joke that I ever told anyone in my whole entire existence. I didn't change my expression, though. I still looked confused as hell. As his laughter died down, he looked at me and shook his head. "Wait. You're actually serious? You don't remember him?"

"Oh. Is he-"

"The dude you brought home from last night." He laughed again and although I badly wanted to join his laughter, I couldn't seem to force myself to jump in. Somehow, his ridiculous laughter made me feel weird as fuck. "I thought you weren't hammered last night, guess I was wrong." He chuckled as I went to set our warm cups on the counter.

"I wasn't, not much, actually." I mumbled and he just nodded, looking like he's not interested with what I just said and proceeded to just scroll through his phone, a smile still evident on his face. I purposefully didn't drink much last night. I only drank that one last shot when I was with Oli because he was insisting that I should, telling me that I shouldn't be a buzz kill and that he'd feel guilty if he'd be the only one drinking while I sat there just watching him and listening to him laugh and ramble on.

I purposefully didn't drink much last night because I wanted to be aware; I wanted to know what I was doing. I didn't want a repeat of what happened before, I wanted to wake up and not be confused.

I was well aware of the things that I did; of the things that I said the night before. Funny thing is, I was too numb to think all of it through. My mind was too angry, heart too heartbroken to care. I was thinking with anger so I did the things that my body wanted me to do. Oli is a good looking guy and he was flirting nonstop and being fun and careless. I wanted to be careless and I did, I was careless for once. I wasn't over-thinking for once

I woke up feeling upset because I knew that I would have to once again face another day full of thinking. Last night, my goal was to forget Prem but I guess my mind changed at some point. Instead of mindlessly drinking to forget, I intentionally shrugged off the alcohol. I was mad, my mind was out of its usual common sense and my heart was too broken to care for my actions. I was on autopilot.

"Hey, Fluke just texted. He said he's been calling you but you aren't picking up." My brother suddenly broke in to my train of thoughts and I shook my head, sipping my coffee.

"Tell him I left my phone upstairs. I'll call him back later." With a nod, Ohm went on and tapped the message on his phone while I went back to thinking and thinking and thinking.

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