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My usual weekend mornings consist of a very quiet surrounding; no sudden phone calls, no alarm clocks blaring through the entire room, no nothing. Just me automatically waking up at around 8 and yes, I am contented with that. But today, it's different. I woke up to a harsh sound of a pan falling, the awful noise echoing throughout the entire house, no exaggerations here.

Me, not even fully awake yet, sat down abruptly, my head spinning due to the suddenness of the motion. Scrunching up my eyebrows and massaging my temples, I went to the kitchen to see what's going on.

I have to say, even though I'm mad about the noise, my mood shifted as soon as I was met with the gorgeous aroma of the bacon sizzling on one of the pans.

"Oops?" Samantha looked at me guiltily, laughing to herself as she set the pan that she dropped on the stove, next to the other. "Making bacon and eggs; hash browns are in the oven, bread in the toaster so sit down or whatever." She commanded, skillfully breaking the egg on the pan with just one hand. What even?

"I don't usually wake up in a ruckus on a weekend but I'll let it slide this time." I said, nodding over to the food that she's making. "D'you need any help?"

"Nah, I'm good." She shook her head. I went on to grab plates, though, and set it near her. I head over to the fridge to bring out a pitcher of water and a bottle of orange juice, setting them down on the counter near kitchen. I usually prefer to eat here instead of in the actual dining table because, let me tell you this, eating on a dining table by yourself is extremely lonely and it'll only make you feel sad for being alone so I suggest you don't do that.

"Where's Prem?" She asked, still busy with cooking our breakfast. I sat down on the stool behind the counter, arms crossed on the marble material in front of me.

"G'morning." Speak of the devil. He shyly walks to the kitchen, scratching his tired eyes, a small smile on his lips. He looks so adorable with his huge black robe hugging his small frame.

"Yay, you're up! Sit down, make yourself comfortable." She offered and I pat the stool beside me, silently telling Prem to sit there.

"Make yourself comfortable? You sounded like you own the place." I repeated her words, the three of us laughing to that.

"Hey, I was just being nice!" She argued back, making me shake my head. I stood and went back to the living room, pulling my phone off from its charger and I'm glad when I hear Samantha and Prem conversing. It's nice that she's making Prem comfortable, I couldn't deny the fact that he's been shying away these past couple of days and I can't help but to feel guilty.

I went back to my previous seat and let the two talk some more as I scrolled through my phone, checking for new e-mails, whatnot. As I am looking down on my cell, I can't help but to glance over to Prem's crossed legs, seeing as his robe rode down, skin peeking through the slit of it in the middle.

I gulped, biting my lip as my thumb unconsciously kept on scrolling through the screen of my phone while my eyes sinned elsewhere. God, why am I sinning this early? Shaking my head, I straightened my back and diverted my eyes back up to the kitchen, still obviously out of my own zone.

"You went way back in time there." Prem said from beside me, chuckling to himself.

Scrunching up my eyebrows, I asked, "What?"

"You were violently scrolling down to your e-mails. What were you looking for?" He asked, drinking from the glass of water in front of him. Holy shit. He just saw that. He literally just saw that. I want to die now. Take me. I'm ready, please take me now.

Shaking my head, I tried to play it cool. "Fluke's just been bugging me about something, said that he sent me a file, I can't seem to find it, though." I ended with a shrug.

"He sent you a file way back in 2014?" He asked, nodding over to my still open phone.

Please, someone just push me to a hole. I'm ready, just do it, please. Prem seems to be enjoying my distressed state, though, as he giggles, shoulders bouncing and the simple sight of that just made me feel at ease, all of a sudden and weirdly enough.

I laughed with him, shaking my head. "Okay, I lied. I was just anxious." Which is not a lie at all. His smooth legs really did made me feel so anxious because damn.

"Aw, why? Is it about the book?" He asked, elbow resting on the counter and head resting on his hand, looking at me with so much concern as he bit his lip. Seriously, he needs to stop looking so adorable and.. sexy. And his still exposed crossed legs isn't really helping me in the situation right now.

"Um yeah, that and something else." I mumbled the last part, eyes momentarily lingering down to his legs. He seem to hear it as he leaned, eyes looking worried and interested.

"What is it? D'you want to talk about it?" He questions, taking my hand. Yup, taking my god damned hand in his and both of his hand nesting it against his, well, his knee. His knees that just so happen to be free from jeans or sweatpants that usually shields my eyes away from his just perfect skin.

"Uh, no, I think- um, fuck-"

"Here ya boys go, enjoy!" my friend proclaimed, setting a plate each on front of the three of us. I tore my hand away from his warm (too warm and inviting, actually) touch. I hear him chuckle to himself and glancing discreetly at his direction, I could clearly see a smirk playing across his lips. Oh, is he serious right now? He's actually playing this game?

Breakfast wasn't eventful. The three of us just ate the delicious food that Samantha made for us while we talked about anything, really. Throughout the duration of our meal, Prem didn't even try to cover his legs, he just displayed them there, as if taunting me. And to be honest, I was enticed. God, this boy is too enticing, I'm not even kidding.


The next day, I knew things are bound to go downhill for me. Samantha and I talked the night before and she told me that she's feeling bad, feeling that she's overstaying her welcome in my house. Of course I tried to convince her that it's fine with me but she decided that it's time for her to start picking her self back up again.

After gathering the stuff that she managed to pile up in the house, Samantha was off to her parents' place. She said that she just needed a time off from the city, her work, the stress and the drama - overall. I insisted on driving her there but she said that she'll just take an Uber.

The downside of Samantha leaving is this problem that I am currently having with Prem sauntering around the house as if he owns everything - as if he owns me. Yes, that's how he's been acting lately. I know for damn sure that he's fully aware of what he's doing and I despise him for that. But hey, am I doing anything to diffuse the said problem? Nope. It is as if I am willingly giving in to his games, with me tightly wrapped around his finger.

"I'll be out for a few hours, don't wait up for me." He said as he passed me, a playful smile evident on his lips and a glint of mischievousness sparkling his eyes.

I badly wanted to ask where he'd be, considering that he just got home from work mere minutes ago but I didn't want to once again step on that boundary; that limit that could potentially set an argument, so I just settled with a lame "Alright, be safe." as he walked his way past me, going straight for the door. 

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