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"Oh my god, I fucking called it!" Ohm and Fluke high-fived, both of them laughing like joyous hyenas, eyes closed and mouth spilling string after strings of laughter. Idiots.

"Sorry for doubting you." FLuke said, directing his little comment towards my brother, both of them having their little shitty toast, their cans clinking together once it came into contact.

"What can I say, I'm great." My brother proclaimed, looking all smug and proud, as if he'd done something that the entire world would benefit in. It's been a few days ever since Prem left the house. I've been too bummed to go out, as per usual, so Ohm and Fluke took it upon themselves to "surprise" me with a lousy visit, bringing beer and food with them. And to be honest, the last thing that I'd want to see is another drop of alcohol.

"You're both assholes." I muttered, my face buried in my palms. I am stressing the fuck out recently. My inspiration left and now, I'm alone with nothing. I haven't had any motivation to write, no motivation to go out, no motivation to keep the house tidy, no motivation to start my days bright and early - no nothing.

This is the thing that I passionately hate about having feelings towards someone. It's fun and joyful and light during the early stages of the, let's say, relationship. But once you start twisting and turning a few buttons here and there, that's when things would start swirling down the drain and soon enough, you'd be left with nothing but useless discards of your heart, pieces of it either missing or gone down the drain together with your will to do most things.

"What did I tell you? I doubted him before, right? But what did you do? You let the kid live in your house!" My brother stated as-a-matter-of-factly, face showing this thing that clearly shows pride.

"Shut up. You didn't doubt him, you were straight-up rude to him." I rolled my eyes, sipping from my glass of water.

"Prem's actually pretty nice." My manager chimed in, right before Ohm was about to open his damn mouth. "He's been nothing but pure and humble. Always so friendly and patient with our customers."

"See?!" I startled the two, my eyes wide because I'm glad that for this one moment, someone's actually siding with me in this ordeal.

"Okay, sure, whatever, but let's backtrack a little, shall we?" Ohm spoke in a serious manner, hands folding in front of him as he sat-up straight, clearing his throat after. "He lied to you twice; one about his age, and second about him still going and working in the club. Also, if he still working in the bookstore?" He asked, turning to a curious-looking Fluke, in which he responded with a small nod. "See? He basically took advantage of you with that job."

"Fluke, please tell this dimwit that you were mainly the one who decided that actually right for the job." I rolled my eyes, frustration clear as day.

"Um, yeah, I genuinely think that he's alright for the job." Fluke mumbled, seeming awkward for being caught in-between this argument between my brother and I. "And also, he had a pretty decent record in high school." Fluke shrugged afterwards, grabbing my attention altogether.

"High school?" My eyebrows raised, curious to no end.

"Yeah." Fluke nodded, sipping from his beer can. "He had decent grades, was active in extracurricular activities and yeah."

"I thought he dropped out sophomore year?"

"Okay, whatever, that's besides the point. He still lied to you." He concluded, chugging down the rest of his cold drink. "Case closed."

"Think whatever you want to think. You don't know jack shit about him." I rolled my eyes, clearly annoyed with my brother but there's nothing new with that. My brother always seem to annoy me the minutes he was let out from our mother's womb.

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