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The drive back to our place might look weird to someone other than Prem and I; it was silent, yes, but we couldn't help but throw these goofy little glances towards one another, a giggle escaping his lips from time to time, making me smile wider, to be honest. I missed him so much. Considering how angry I was the past few days, I couldn't believe that this guy that I grew to unconsciously love is in my car, riding shotgun, sitting there with the cutest smile one could ever wear.

"You're too precious, Prem." I whispered once I turned off the engine, hand still gripping the steering wheel in front of me whilest I turned to face the actual angel himself beside me.

He blushed, shaking his head a little and unbuckling himself from his comfortable seat. "You're one to speak, Mr. Fuentes." He said, leaning over the console, hand ghosting against my very warm cheeks and instinctively, I leaned against his delicate touch, warm palms somehow making me shiver.

We just sat there for moments to no end, staring at each other as if we'd suddenly disappear if we even dare to move or blink. Silly, small smiles seemed to be etched on our tired-looking faces, lips and cheeks bitten back to prevent further tearing our lips up from the excessive smiling. This is bliss, I thought, I am contented with this and I could easily get used to this.

We then decided to head on inside. Just like the very first time that I brought Prem in here, he looked around the house, eyes scanning the entire place as if he just entered a newly-established museum. "Did I ever tell you how amazing your house is?" He said, head resting on my shoulder and we just stood there, looking around. Somehow, we mimicked a newly-wed couple who's looking around town for a house where they could start-up their own family. This whole feeling is heartwarming and I've never felt this at home with someone's presence before.
"You might've mentioned it once, yeah." He chuckled, shaking his head a little as we both reminisced to the thought. "It was lonely without you around."

He's silent for a bit, a sigh erupting from him as we let the silence envelope us in its warm embrace. It felt okay, though. It isn't as empty as it should feel considering his presence pressed up against me in such a reassuring manner. "I'm sorry." He whispered and as soon as the words left his mouth, I felt his fingers dancing across my arm and to my hands and in-between my fingers. "I wish I didn't leave in the first place."

"It's okay now, don't worry." I said and I meant it. I wanted to just forget about it all, about all the foul things that happened and that we did. "But likewise, I'm sorry, too." Prem looked up, giving me such an opportunity to see his pretty eyes, still keeping the tight position we have beside me.

He pouted, eyes mocking me. "It was annoying hearing Coo brag about you. As if he knew you." He scoffed, tucking a few strands of his hair behind his ear.

"What'd he say?" I asked with a chuckle, looking at him with so much adoration one person could handle.

"Too much." He rolled his eyes. "But I knew that I know you better so I didn't pay too much mind on his bullcrap." We both laughed.


We decided to just watch a movie for the rest of the night, now empty plates piled neatly on the coffee table in front of us. I suggested that we order pizza but Prem being Prem, insisted that he'd just cook us a very decent meal, and just like before, I melted from his amazing cooking. He's such a heaven's sent when it comes to food, to be honest.

Halfway through Dear John, I felt him shift from beside me. Me being this corny hopeless romantic, I still have more than half of my attention attached firmly to the screen, shaking my head a little at the current scene in front of us. As humiliating as it may sound, for a thirty plus year old, I still get attached to these chick flicks disgustingly. Romantic comedies are at the very top of my list of guilty pleasures, sue me.

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