Chapter 1

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Moving Back To Forks

Chloe has lived in Atlanta since she was 6 years old, she moved there with her parents. Now that her parents are dead, she doesn't know how her life will be like.

She will never forget the day she found them dead. Chloe got home from school that day, she was very happy , she wanted to show her mother A+ that she got on her maths test. But when She entered the house she found both her parents on the kitchen floor ,very pale and dead. That day changed everything for her.

Their funeral was yesterday. Right now Chloe's busy packing her things, she's moving back to Forks to live with her uncle who's now her Guardian.

Her uncle Charlie lives in Forks with his daughter Bella, who just recently moved there. Chloe hasn't seen her cousin in 3 years, Renee and Bella used to visit Chloe and her parents in Atlanta .

Even after Renee and Charlie devorced, Renee still kept in touch with Chloe's parents.

Charlie always spent the holidays with his brother and his family. Chloe always loved spending the holidays with her uncle.

As much as it hurts her to leave her home in Atlanta , she really hopes that Forks will feel like home again.

"Have you finished packing kiddo? " her uncle asks her as he enters her room leaning on the door frame

"Almost done uncle Charlie. What time is our plane? " Chloe asks him

Looking at his watch "we have an hour left, Do you need help? "

Chloe packs her last shirt "I'm done, can you help me put these on the car? " she says

Charlie nods "Okay"he says as he takes the suitcase's down stairs and to the car

Chloe smiles alittle, looking around her room, remembering all the  memories she had in this home with her parents.

Tears fall from her eyes " I'll always love you mom and dad" she whispered

Charlie walks back in  " are you ready? " he asks her knowing that it's not easy for her

Chloe nods and  wipes her tears "I'm ready"

Charlie walks to her and hugs her "Everything is going to be okay. I'm always gonna be here for you kiddo no matter what. "he tells her making her nod

"Thank you uncle Charlie, for everything " Chloe says to him

"You're my family Chloe. Your father was my brother and I know he would have done the same if the situation was reversed. I know it won't be easy but I hope you'll be able to heal  and that Forks can feel like home to you again. " Charlie says as they pull away from the hug

Chloe nods " I hope so too uncle Charlie" she says " I hope we'll both heal.... " Chloe says knowing that her uncle is trying to be strong for her

Charlie signs sadly and nods " yeah... Let's get going" he says

Chloe nods and they walk out of the house, she paused and looks at the house for the last time ,she makes a promise to herself that she won't disappoint her parents and her uncle, she then gets in the car and they leave.


They arrived safely in Forks. Her uncle drove them home. When they got there ,they found Bella home from school.

Charlie opens the door "So....this is your bedroom, Bella's room is right next to yours. You'll be sharing the bathroom" Charlie tells her as he shows her around the house

Chloe nods as she walks in the room and sees her boxed things there already "Thanx uncle Charlie " she says and then turns to her cousin who is standing beside Charlie "And thank you Bella for giving me such a warm welcome "

Bella smiles and and hugs "You're my cousin. I'm happy you're here " Chloe smiles and hugs her too

"Alright. I'll leave you girls to catch up, I'll order pizza. I'll call you guys when it's time to eat" Charlie says and they both nod as he walks out

Bella sits on the bed "So... How are you Chloe ?" she asks her cousin

"I'm better now. I just have to take it day by day, even though I still have questions about their death" Chloe says as she unpacks

Bella nods " I know.... I would too. When my dad told me about the cause of death , I was also confused. " she tells Chloe

" too Bella,me too" Chloe says sadly " But I'm gonna be okay, I have you, uncle Charlie, aunt Renee and Phil"

Bella nods and smiles alittle " yeah, you have us. Always " she says standing and gives Chloe a side hug

"I know... "Chloe says smiling

"plus I'm glad I'm no longer gonna be the new girl at school"Bella says playfully

Chloe chuckles looking at her cousin

"What? " Bella says and they both laughed

Charlie calls them and they go down stairs to eat.

After they finished eating, they went back to Chloe's room to finish unpacking while Charlie stayed to watch sports

They talked while they unpacked. They talked about everything that happened in the last 3 years they haven't seen each other.

Bella told Chloe about their new school, the people she's met so far and also about the Cullens.

Bella also told her about Edward, who was really rude to her on her first day at school, also about how she wants to talk to him and find out the reason why he hated her.

They talked until they fell asleep in Chloe's room

🌹I'M ALWAYS WITH YOU [Book 1]♥Edward Cullen Where stories live. Discover now