Chapter 3

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The Hospital

After they took Chloe to the hospital, the doctor hadn't checked her yet.

While they were waiting for the doctor, her uncle comes through the hospital doors. Bella was sitting next to Chloe's bed.

" Chloe, Bella are you both okay?" Charlie asks them really worried

Bella turns to her father and says "The nurse checked me earlier and told me that I'm fine. It's just alittle bruises on my knees and hand only. They stitched Chloe's hand because it had a big cut on it, the nurse is not sure but they think that Chloe might have a concussion. So now we're waiting for the doctor to check her out " Charlie nods after hearing that

Charlie then turns to Tyler " You and I are going to have a little talk" he tells him

Tyler was getting his head stitched, he nods alittle ashamed and trying not to disturb the nurse "I'm so sorry Chloe and you too Bella. I tried to stop, I'm really sorry " Tyler says feeling guilty

"I'm fine Tyler, I'm glad we're all okay" Chloe says looking at her hand that's been stitched and wrapped in a bandage

Bella nods "Chloe's right dad, we're fine" she tells her dad "it's okay "

Charlie shakes his head "It sure as hell not okay. Chloe's hand is stitched and she might have a concussion because of him" Charlie says pointing to Tyler " You can kiss your license goodbye " he tells Tyler 

Chloe starts to feel a headache " Don't worry uncle Charlie, I'll be fine " she says feeling alittle dizzy. Just as she was about to close her eyes, the hospital doors open, the doctor comes in

A pale blonde haired man walks towards Chloe's bed "I heard the Chief's daughter and niece are here" the doctor says

"Doctor Cullen" Charlie says greeting the doctor

"Chief Swan " Dr Cullen says "I got this one Jackie" he tells the nurse gesturing to Chloe who was laying on the bed. He takes a look at Chloe and Bella's chart " Isabella and Chloe Swan" he says.

"Bella. Call me Bella" Bella tells Dr Cullen making him smile and nod

"It looks like you are fine Bella, I'm just going to give some pain medication incase you feel alittle pain later at home" Dr Cullen tells Bella and she nods

He then goes to Chloe and takes out a mini flashlight shining it on her eyes telling her to look at his finger and follow it " You might experience some post traumatic stress, disorientation " he says and then touches her head turning her and sees that she has alittle blood sticking on her hair which means that she has hit her head alittle. He checks if it might need to be stitch and finds alittle cut that will need atleast 3 stitches "And a minor concussion, I'll stitch the cut that you have at the back of your head. Your hand will be fine as long as you don't lift heavy things and also you need to change the bandage. You'll need to stay over night here so that I can check on you in the morning, if you're fine by then I'll discharge you" Dr Cullen says

Chloe nods alittle dissapointed that she won't be able to go to school tomorrow and talk to Edward about what happened today.

Doctor Cullen calls nurse Jackie to come and give him the things needed to clean and stitch Chloe's cut at the back of her head. The nurse comes back with what she was told to get and they start stitching Chloe's head.

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