Chapter 6

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La Push

Chloe at school in the cafeteria, it was lunch break. She sees everyone sitting in their tables,eating. Chloe decides to walk toward the table where Bella is with her friends.

Eric turns to her as he sees Chloe walking to their table "Hey Chloe. La Push baby, you in?" he asks her

Chloe looks at him confused "should I know what that means?" she asks and everyone laughs

"La Push beach down at the Quileute Red. We're all going tomorrow " Mike decides to explain

"Yeah,there's a big wave coming in. Bella's coming too" Jessica tells Chloe

"And I don't just surf the internet" Eric says as he stands on the chair like he's on a surfboard

"Eric you stood once and it was a foam board" Jessica states rolling her eyes

Angela tugs Eric down, and he sits down "plus there's also whale watching too, come with us" Angela says and Chloe smiles liking that there's whale watching also she might get to see her friend Jacob

"It's La Push baby. La Push..." Eric says making Chloe chuckle

"Okay I'll go if you stop saying that" Chloe says and walks away to get some food

Chloe was busy choosing some fruit when she hears

"Eatable Art" Edward says standing next to Chloe making her jump alittle and turn to him "Hello Chloe"

Chloe rolls her eyes "I thought you didn't want to talk to me or even be my friend for that matter " she says and then walks around him to get some yoghurt

"I only said that it would be better if we weren't friends, not that I didn't want to be " Edward tells her seeing that she's still hurt from their last conversation

"What does that even mean?" She asks

He gets closer to her, and her heart beats races, he smirks as he hears it "It means that if you were smart, you would stay away from me " he says

Chloe gets annoyed by his vague answers "Yeah well, let's say that I'm not clever , would you tell me the truth instead of hiding it from me"
She then continues "You're good person Edward, I've known it since we talked at the hospital" she tells him

Edward looks at her in adoration, he now sees whu she's his mate.

Chloe smiles and holds his hand, not minding how cold his hand is "Why don't we just...hang out, get to know each other better. Everyone's going to the beach, come with me" Chloe says to him

Edward smiles "which beach?" he asks her also wanting to spend time with her

"La Push" Chloe replied

Edward looks down alittle knowing that he can't go to that beach " I don't know, it's just-" he says but Chloe cuts him off

"What? is there something wrong with that beach?" Chloe asks him seeing that he's hesitating

"It's just a little crowded" Edward says and Chloe frowns

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