Chapter 5

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Going To The School Trip

Chloe didn't go to school for 2 days because her uncle was still worried about her, she begged him until he said yes.

Now she's at school standing next to her cousin about to go on the school field trip.

"Okay everyone, I need your permission slips " Mr Molina tells every student

Chloe looks at Edward and his siblings. Alice waves at her and she waves back smiling. Edward was just standing next to Jasper, staring at Chloe.

"Look at you huh. You are alive.... " Mike says to Chloe standing infront of them.

Chloe looks at him " Oh yeah... I'm fine now. Just a few stitches on my hand and the back of my head" She says awkwardly

Mike nods and starts to scratch his head nervously " That's great. Uhm.... You know, I wanted to ask you if - if uh...I know we just met a few days ago and that prom is a month away. But do you uh, maybe want to go to prom with me, Chloe?" he stutters alittle nervous " So, what do you think?" he asks looking at Chloe

Chloe sees still Edward staring at her, she turns to Mike "about what?" she asks him

"Do you want to go to prom with me" Mike asks nervously

Chloe looks at Bella awkwardly "Oh.I uh...prom. I  don't think that I'm gonna be cleared yet, stitches and all. Besides I promised Bella here that I'll go with her to visit aunt Renee in Jacksonville that weekend. Haven't seen Renee in years, so.... yeah " Chloe comes up with alittle white lie and then turns to Bella so that she can help her

Mike looks alittle dissapointed "You can't go another weekend?" he asks Chloe sadly making her feel bad

"Non refundable ticket" Bella tells him after seeing that Chloe is feeling bad about rejecting him "You should ask Jessica, I know she wants to go with you" Bella says and Mike nods still looking at Chloe, he then turns and leaves

"Yo yo yo, guys we gotta go. Come on green is what?" Mr Molina says "Good. Let's go" he then leads the students to the bus.

Chloe and Bella get in the bus and sit down next to each other.

"So, why did you lie to Mike just then?" Bella asks her curiously

Chloe shrugs and replied " I'm not really in the mood to go to prom. I don't think I'll go,plus with everything going on and then there's Edward on the other hand"

"Yeah that's true. So about Edward,are you going to ask him about what happened?" Bella asks her

"I don't know. Part of me wants to ask but another part just doesn't. I mean, what if I don't like his answer" Chloe says

"Yeah. But I think you should ask him and get it over with,you know. Atleast you'll know the truth" Bella tells her

"Alright. I'll ask him" Chloe says


They arrive at the Green house. Mr Molina tells them to follow him as he explains everything

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