Chapter 15

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After Chloe spent 3 days in the hospital in Forks. She now has to use crutches to balance and not hurt her ankle, she also has a cast on her arm. She will heal but it will take some time.

Right now Chloe's is standing infront of a mirror, looking at her reflection. She looks so different with make-up on, Alice did everything. Her usual curly hair is now straight, she also wearing a dress, which she's also not used to cause she always wears jeans.

"I... Look so.... " Chloe trails

Alice and Bella chuckle "I think you look amazing Chloe" Alice tells her

Bella nods and takes Chloe's hand "Come on, let's go before dad shoots Edward. He's been glaring at him since he came with Alice" she says and they all started laughing

The three of them walk downstairs, both Charlie and Edward stand up seeing the girls walk down.

"So... How do I look? " Chloe asks her uncle and Edward

"You look beautiful " Edward says staring at her in awe

"You look beautiful kiddo, both of you do" Charlie says smiling looking at Chloe and Bella "Thank you Alice did helping them get ready "

Alice nods "No worries, I've always wanted to give them some make over" she tells Charlie and then turns to her brother and the Swan cousin's "Well, let's go we're going to be late"

"I'll take good care of Chloe and Bella ,Chief Swan " Edward says to Charlie

"Uh... Huh heard that one before " Charlie replied being sarcastic

Edward smiles and turns to Chloe "I'll wait for you outside" he tells her and then walks out

"You both look beautiful " Charlie tells her

Chloe smiles "Thanks uncle Charlie " she says

"Thanks dad" Bella says

Charlie nods "I put new cans of pepper spray in your purses" he tells them

"Okay dad" Bella says while Chloe chuckles as they both hug Charlie

"Thank you uncle Charlie for forgiving us, I promise it won't happen again " Chloe tells her uncle

"Yeah, thank you dad, for everything " Bella says as they pull away from the hug

"I love you both, okay, very much" Charlie tells them "Now go, you're both going to be late" he says leading them to the door

"We love too uncle Charlie " Chloe says

"Bye" Bella says as they walk out of the door

They walk to Edward who is waiting for them. They drove to the venue, they arrived in time. Bella went to her date, Tyler, while Edward and Chloe walked to a bench that was outside, she sits there resting her ankle alittle.

"Rest your leg alittle bit, I'll be right back" Edward tells Chloe and then leaves

"Chloe" She hears Jacob's voice behind her making her turn

Chloe smiles "Jake? " she says as he makes his way to her and sits next to her "it's been awhile... How are you?"

"I'm good, I wanted to check on you, your uncle told me I would find you here" Jacob tells her "You look beautiful by the way"

Chloe smiles "Thank you" she says "I'm feeling better now, the doctor told me to take it easy and so physical therapy for my ankle , I'll heal just fine. Thanks for checking up on dear old clumsy me, it means alot" she tells him

Jacob nods "I'm happy that you're feeling better " he tells her and then sighs thinking about what his father asked him to do "So Uhm... I also came to do a favor for my father"

Chloe furrows her eyebrows confused "Okay... Tell me"

"Well... He wanted me to tell you to break up with your boyfriend. He said something like 'We'll be watching you' " Jake tells her quoting his father

Chloe frowns "Oh, Uhm... Tell him thank you for the concern but I'm fine. Edward and I are good" she tells him

Jacob nods "Yeah... I thought it was weird too" he tells her "Anyway I better get going, I'll see you soon" he says standing up

"Alright, it better be soon okay, Bella and I miss you" Chloe tells him

Jacob nods smiling "Bye" he says and then walks away

Edward arrives and sees Jacob leaving "I leave you alone for 5 minutes and the wolves ascend" he says making her chuckle

Chloe stands up with Edward's help "Come on, let's go and dance" she says

They walk inside and they take a picture together, as they continue walking inside, they see their fellow students dancing and having fun. Bella was dancing with Tyler, Chloe looked at them smiling, happy that her cousin is atleast having fun. Chloe looks at Jessica and Angela and showed them her thumbs up, approving of their dresses, Jessica smiles while Angela winked at her. Edward leads her to a more quiet and intimate space outside.

"Dance with me" Chloe says looking at him "Even though you'll have to help me "

"I would love too Miss Swan" Edward says and then holds her waist and lifted her her alittle, letting her injured foot rest on his. They moved slowly to the song while looking at each other.

"Edward, why did you suck the venom out of my system? I mean... I could have been like you" Chloe asks him

Edward looks at her "You don't know what you're saying. I'm not gonna end your life, Chloe. I don't want you to have regrets, I want you to choose for yourself whether you want immortality or not" he tells her

"I'll never regret being with you" Chloe tells him "I'm just not sure about being a vampire. Don't get me wrong, I want to be with you forever. I just want to hang on to my humanity for alittle while" she tells him "That's all I'm asking for... Maybe I'll change my mind in the next coming years"

Edward smiles, happy that she's not rushing to be a vampire "I love you Miss Swan " he tells her

"I love you too Mr Cullen " Chloe replies

They kissed, enjoying the moment of peace they are experiencing in the moment. They were both happy.

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