Chapter 14

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The Hospital

As Chloe opened her eyes, she hears Reneè calling her name "Chloe, sweetheart " Reneè says sitting on Chloe's hospital bed

Chloe looks at her aunt "Aunt Reneè? When am I? "

Reneè smiles "You're at a hospital sweetheart " she tells her niece, happy that she woke up

"Where's Bella?" Chloe asks in panic as she remembers what happened "Where's Edward? Are they both okay, aunt Reneè? "

"Bella's fine sweetheart, she's okay. She woke up 2 days ago, she was discharged yesterday. She had a minor concussion but she's fine now" Reneè tells Chloe and then turns her head and gestures to a 'sleeping' Edward on the chair on the other side of the room "And Edward's right here sweetie, he's sleeping for now. He's been here every single day waiting for you to wake up. We all were "

Chloe sighs in relief when she sees Edward and hears that Bella's fine "I'm glad that Bella's fine" she says and Reneè smiles touching her cheek

"You had us all worried sweetheart, especially your uncle. I've never seen Charlie so broken " Reneè tells Chloe

"I'm so sorry aunt Renee... " Chloe says

Reneè cuts her off "Shh... don't be sweetheart. I'm just happy both my girls are fine. Your uncle is in the cafeteria with Bella getting some food" she tells Chloe

Chloe nods alittle "What happened aunt Reneè? " she asks her aunt

"You fell and broke your ankle and elbow, you also lost alot of blood from the cuts you got when you went through the window " Reneè tells her "You don't remember any of this? " she asks Chloe

Chloe shakes her head "No..." she says knowing that what her aunt just told her is a cover up story

"Edward and his father came to Phoenix to try and persuade you and Bella to go back to Forks with them. You and Bella went over to the hotel, you tripped on your way up the stairs, you fell down the stairs and knocked Bella and you both fell through two flights of stairs. When Bella reached down the stairs, she hit her head on the wall, while you went through a window " Reneè explains with tears falling from her eyes thinking about how she almost lost her two precious girls

"It sure sounds like something Bella would do cause she's the clumsy one" Chloe says and they both laughed "Ow... My ribs hurt alittle, I can't laugh "

Reneè stops laughing and hugs Chloe "Oh... Leave it to you to make fun of a bad situation " Reneè says pulling away and smiles and her phone vibrates "It's Phil, he probably wants to know if you're awake. He's been worried about you and Bella" she says as she walks towards the door to answer the phone call outside "I better answer it and tell him about your progress. I'll tell your uncle and Bella that you're awake" she says and then walks out

Chloe nods and the sighs thinking about her uncle, thinking about what her and Bella said to him. As she was busy in her thoughts, she sees Edward standing up from his chair and walks to her.

"Hey... " Chloe says to him

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Edward asks her brushing his fingers on her cheek

"Like I've been hit by a car" she replies making him chuckle "So what happened? Where's James?" she asks him

"We took care of him" Edward reassured her "The woman, Victoria , she ran away " he tells her

Chloe nods and holds Edward's hand "I'm alive because of you. My cousin is also alive because of you and your family " she says looking at him

Edward shakes his head feeling guilty "No, you're in here because of me Chloe" he says "The worst part of it is that I thought I wouldn't be able to stop-"

"But you did. You stopped Edward, stop beating yourself up for nothing. I'm okay, Bella's fine too" Chloe tells him after cutting him off

Edward sighs not liking what he's going to say next "Chloe, you have to go live with your aunt in Jacksonville. You and Bella need to move there so that you can't get hurt again "

"No! No, I'm not leaving you! Don't say that, don't ask me to leave you. I'm not gonna leave you and my uncle, don't ask that of me, please..." Chloe says frantic "We can't be apart, promise me"

Edward sees how hurt she is by what he just said "I promise I won't leave you Chloe Swan" he says and then kissed her forehead "Plus you have to be my date to prom " he says making her smile

"Uh... Sorry Mr Cullen, if that's your way of asking me to prom then the answer is no" Chloe says playfully smiling

Edward chuckles "Okay" he says and then holds her hand and sits on the chair next to her bed "Miss Chloe Swan, will you please do me the honor in being my date to the only prom that will ever matter to me" Edward says and she chuckles

Chloe holds her ribs alittle "Oh... My... God I'm in love with an old man" she says and they continue laughing "My uncle would not approve if he knew your real age. But I'll be your date to prom" she tells him and then she kissed him, edward kissed her back enjoying the moment

But they were interuppted by someone clearing their throat making them pull away. They saw Chloe's family and Carlisle standing with the doctor by the door, watching them.

Bella smiles and walks to her cousin, hugging her "I'm so happy you're awake. I was so worried about you " she says

Chloe hugs her cousin also "I'm happy you're okay Bella" she says

The doctor starts checking her, he tells her that she has to stay at the hospital for the night and then they will transfer her to Forks hospital. Chloe then talked to her uncle and apologized to him, he grounded her and also make her promise to never do that again.

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