Chapter 11

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Finally meeting Esme

The next day Edward came, they were on their way to his house. As he was driving, Edward kept on glancing at Chloe, thinking about how lucky he is for finally finding Chloe, his mate.

"Are you still nervous? " Edward asks holding her hand

Chloe entertwining their fingers "I am... I just hope they like me" she says

"Don't worry they will, I don't see why not. Your Chloe Swan, the most kindest and amazing person. I'm sure they will love you, just like I do" he tells her

Chloe blushed deeply thinking about how he just basically told her, he loves her "I hope so.... " she says

Edward smiles as he pulls over on his driveway at his home "I promise they'll love you" he tells Chloe and they get out of the car and they walk to the house

Chloe nods as they enter inside the house "Okay. By the way your house is beautiful, I like it" she says

"Well what did you expect? Coffins and dungeons ?" Edward says playfully and chuckles

Chloe laughs at his joke "No. I never thought that" she says and rolls her eyes smiling as they continue walking towards the kitchen

"By the way, I told them not to do this but they insisted" Edward tells her as they hear Italian music playing

Chloe smiles and says "It's fine-" but she stops as she hears Rosalie's voice

"Is she even Italian?" Rosalie asks with an attitude

"I'm sure she'll love it " Carlisle says

"Oh, here comes the human" Rosalie says causing Chloe's smile to fade, making her even more nervous and alittle disheartened as they walked into the kitchen.

"Chloe, we're making Italian food for you" A beautiful woman with light brown hair says to Chloe as she walks closer to Edward and Chloe

"Oh, Uhm... Thank you" Chloe says smiling

Edward looks at Chloe "Chloe , this is Esme, my mother for all intensive purposes " he tells Chloe since Esme is the only one Chloe hasn't met yet

Chloe smiles at Esme "Buon giorno " she says

"Molto bene" Esme says smiling

"You've given us an excuse to use the kitchen for the first time " Carlisle tells Chloe as he's busy cutting the vegetables

Esme nods "I hope you're hungry "she says

"Yeah... absolutely " Chloe says feeling alittle guilty because she ate before coming to the Cullens home

"She already ate before coming here" Edward tells his family

Rosalie drops the bowl she was holding and it breaks into pieces "Perfect "she says glaring at Chloe

"Yeah... It's because I know that you guys don't eat so... I ate before coming here. I'm so sorry Mrs Cullen, if I had known, I wouldn't have eaten anything. I promise I won't eat next time " Chloe says

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