Chapter 9

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The Lion and the Lamb

Chloe arrived at school alittle earlier, she sat on her car thinking about her and Bella's discovered. She had alot of questions, she hoped that Edward will answer her this time.

As she walks towards school she sees him standing near his car staring at her. Chloe goes to him and stands infront of him "I need to talk to you." she tells him and then walks towards the woods near the school.

Even though he couldn't read her thoughts right at the moment, he knew that what they were to talk about was serious. So he follows her to the woods.

As they reach the woods, Chloe stops and says " You're impossibly fast and really strong. Your skin is pale white and ice cold, sometimes you speak like your from a different time. I've also noticed that you never that you never eat your food or even drink anything. " She lists the facts without turning to look at him, hoping that he'd atleast deny everything but he doesn't.

"How old are you Edward " She asks him as he stands behind her

Edward breathes in her scent alittle "I'm 17" he replies

Chloe turns around and faced him " How long have you been 17?" she asks him as they look at each other

" A while" he says still looking at her waiting for her to freak out but she doesn't

"I know what you are Edward " Chloe tells him

Edward stares at her emotionless "Then say it, out loud " he says to her sternly

Chloe takes in a deep breath "You're a vampire " she says her heart beating faster

Edward gets closer to her "Are afraid now?" he asks her

"No" she tells him honestly  "I'm not afraid of you"

Edward looks abit taken aback by her answer " Ask me the most basic question, what do I really eat?" he asks her

Chloe shakes her head "You won't hurt me" she says

Edward grabs her elbow and starts dragging her with him deeper into the woods.

"Where are we going now? " Chloe asks him

"Up the mountain, out of the cloud bank. You need to see what I look like in the sunlight" He tells her before he stopped and puts her on his back and then speeds up to the mountain

Chloe held on tightly as they pass the trees on the woods, they make it to the mountain.

Edward puts her down and then walks to the ray of sunlight on the mountain "This is why we don't show ourselves in the sunlight, people would know we're different " he tells her as he unbuttons his shirt and then turns around and faced her "This is who I am Chloe " he says and she sees that he's sparkling, his skin was shining like crystals

Chloe look at him in awe "It's like Diamonds" she says "It's beautiful "

Edward scoffs "It's a killers skin Chloe, I'm a monster " he says and then walks away

Chloe follows him "I don't believe that. You would have killed me the second we got here"

"That's because you believe a lie Chloe" Edward replied "it's a camouflage, I am the world's most dangerous predator. Everything about me invites you in, don't you see that?" he says to her and then vamp speeds towards a large stone "As if you could out run me! " he says and Chloe turns to look at him. He vamp speeds to a tree and then pulls it clear from the ground "As if you could fight me off!" he says ,then throws it and it then breaks into pieces "I was designed to kill" he gets closer to her as he says that

Chloe shakes her head "I don't care Edward " she tells him

"I've killed people before Chloe" Edward tells her trying to scare her

"It doesn't matter, like I said earlier, it you wanted me dead you would have done that already. I'm not scared of you Edward " she tells him

He looks at her " I wanted to kill Bella the first time I met her." he confessed  " Bella's blood is intoxicating, her scent makes any vampire blood thirsty " he says and then takes a few steps closer to her "While yours... your scent calms me, it calms my inner beast" Edward tells her honestly

"So... My scent doesn't make you feel the need to kill people, to kill Bella? " Chloe asks curiously

Edward looks at her "Yes... I have never felt this way in my life" he tells her " My family, we're different from the others. We only hunt animals, we learned to control our thirst. When I met Bella, every control I had,vanished. I almost lost control, that's why I decided to leave. I came back and then I met you... I felt this connection, I was drawn to you Chloe." He says to her

"I've felt the same connection, I can't explain it" Chloe says looking at him in the eyes

Edward leaned closer to her as if he was going to kiss her "I can't hear your thoughts right now, all I hear is static" he says to Chloe almost whispering holding her face

Never breaking eye contact "Now I'm scared" Chloe says softly

Edward drops his hands from her face and says  "Good" as he leans on the opposite tree

"I'm scared of losing you Edward. I've already lost my parents, I'm scared of my feelings for you " Chloe tells him honestly

Edward smiles alittle, he theb gets closer to her again placing his hand flat against Chloe's chest.

"You don't know how long I've waited for you " Edward tells her softly making her smile "So a lion fell in love with a lamb"

Chloe holds his cold hand entertwining their fingers together and gazes lovingly at his beautiful golden eyes  "What a stupid lamb" she says

"What a sick masochistic lion"


After their talk in the woods, Edward took her to the meadow. It was beautiful, Chloe has always loved flowers. It felt peaceful there for both of them, Edward felt contact, being with the girl he loves, his mate. He's waited for decades for her and now that he has her, he's not planning on letting her go.

As they lay on the grass gazing at each other "Edward my parents..." Chloe says

Edward sighs softly "I know, I was able to read your mind last night at the police station. And the answer is yes, a vampire killed your parents. I'm so sorry " he tells her

Chloe nods with tears in her eyes while sitting up "I knew, I knew that my parents were murdered. I just wasn't sure by what or who, whoever did it is still out there and I hate it." she says crying softly

Edward sits up and wipes her tears "I will help you wherever I can. We'll find whoever killed your parents and they will pay. I promise " he tells her

"Thank you, I just want justice for my parents. I hope to get it one day " Chloe tells him "By the way, Bella also knows about you, we both learned it last night"

Edward nods "I figured, we'll have to explain everything to her" He tells Chloe

"Okay, we will, but for now can we just continue enjoying this peaceful place while gazing at each other " Chloe says to him as she lays back down

Edward smiles and lays down too. They spent awhile at the meadow, then they went to Chloe's house. They talked to Bella and told her everything.

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