Chapter 4

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Being released from the hospital

Edward was watching Chloe sleep. Chloe opened her eyes and sees him there.

"Edward? What are you doing here?" Chloe asks him

"Hey. Uhm... I just wanted to check on you. My father told me that they are keeping you here overnight and that you have a minor concussion " he says to her sitting on the chair next to her " I'm sorry you hit your head that hard"

" I'll be fine don't worry about me. Thanks to you I'm not dead, that van would have crushed me." she says "Thank you for saving me today "

Edward nods still feeling guilty "I apologize for not realising my strength." he then stands and walks towards the door "I'll see you at school when you feel better"

He was about to walk out " please don't go...yet. Stay for a while and talk to me" Chloe stops him from leaving

Edward nods hesitantly and sits down. They spend the night talking about Chloe's life in Atlanta and about everything that happened in her life to the day her parents died. Edward also tells her about his life but leaving out the part about him and his family being vampire's. While they were talking Chloe falls asleep, edward decides to leave and go home.


Chloe wakes up in the morning and finds Edward gone, she then decides to take a bath. She was feeling alittle better, her hand was abit sore.

When she was done eating, Dr Cullen comes in to check on her.

"Does your head still hurt?" Dr Cullen asks Chloe as he looks at the back of her head where he stitched

"Alittle, I don't get dizzy like I did yesterday. My hand is still sore. I'm feeling better today Doctor Cullen" Chloe replied

Dr Cullen nods "Okay, I'll prescribe you some pain relief medication, come back in two weeks so that we can check on your hand." he tells her as he changed her bandage "You need to take it easy especially when you use your hand. You can go home and relax, I'll call your uncle now and tell him to come get you"

"Okay. Thanx Dr Cullen " Chloe says smiling

The nurse comes in and gives Chloe her medication.

A while later Dr Cullen comes back in with Charlie following behind him.

" Well. Seems like you're feeling better now, I think you're ready to go home now "  Dr Cullen tells Chloe as both him and Charlie stand infront of her

"Okay kiddo, let's go home" Charlie says helping her wear her jacket

Chloe then turns to Dr Cullen and asks "So...Dr Cullen when am I suppose to go to school?"

"In about a day or two, I already told your uncle about it and I also instructed him on what to do on your hand and head. Don't worry you'll be fine in no time" Doctor Cullen tells her

Chloe nods "Thank you Dr Cullen ,for everything " she says to him

"Your welcome Chloe, I'll see you in two weeks. Take it easy ok" Dr Cullen says

"Thank you Carlisle." Charlie says "let's go kiddo" he says to Chloe

They both leave and go home. Charlie decides not to go to work and stay with Chloe,Bella was still at school when they got home.


Bella gets back from school and goes straight to Chloe's bedroom

"Hey. I'm so happy you're feeling better. " Bella says hugging her

Chloe returns the hug and says "Yep, all better. I'm also glad that I'm home now"

Bella nods "So there's a school field trip, Mr Molina told us today. I gave dad our permission slips so that he can sign them, I also brought one for you incase you go to school " She tells Chloe

"Uncle Charlie says that if I'm feeling even better tomorrow I can go to school" Chloe tells Bella

Bella nods and then thinks about to the conversation she had with Edward yesterday at the hospital

"So, I talked to Edward yesterday about the accident" Bella says

"Oh. Okay, what did he say?" Chloe asks

"Well...I told him about what I saw after I stood up from the ground and went to check if you're ok" Bella tells Chloe sitting next to her on the bed "Do you remember what happened after you pushed and saved me?"

Chloe signs " I remember....closing my eyes after I pushed you, waiting for the impact but nothing happened. The only thing I felt was an arm around my waist, when I opened my eyes I saw Edward, with his hand on the van like he was stopping it from crushing us" she tells her cousin thinking back to the accident

"I also saw it, his hand created a huge dent on the van " Bella says "But when I told him that, he got really defensive about it"

Chloe furrows her eyebrows confused "But why? Do you think he's hiding something?" she asks "How did he get to me so fast? I mean, we saw him standing next to his car with his siblings on the other side of the parking lot"

"That's exactly what I said, but he denied it. I think he's definitely hiding something, and it must be something big cause his sister Rosalie was angry and yelling at him at the hospital" Bella tells Chloe

Chloe nods " Okay he's definitely hiding something " she says "So... What do you think? Is he Spider-man or Superman" Chloe says joking about it making Bella laugh, she also laughs thinking about it

"Oh...that would be so great. Our very own Forks superhero" Bella says playfully and they continue laughing

"Actually that would explain why he's so fast and let's not forget handsome" Chloe says "I mean...have you seen spiderman and superman, they are super hot" she says and they laugh

Charlie then calls them to come eat. They eat dinner and they go to sleep

🌹I'M ALWAYS WITH YOU [Book 1]♥Edward Cullen Where stories live. Discover now