Chapter 8

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The Truth

They were in Edward's car, he was driving the girls home. Chloe was sitting on the front seat, while Bella was sitting in the backseat.

Chloe was busy thinking about what Edward told them at the restaurant and also about everything that happened since she's met Edward.

Edward on the other hand was trying to read her mind but he couldn't, it was really getting frustrating for him.

While Bella is thinking about what Jacob told them and how it connects to Edward and his family.

Bella sighs "Okay. I think we're warmer now. " she says as she reached for the dial that controls the heat, Edward also tries to turn the heat off when their hands touched. Bella felt the coldness of Edward's hand making her gasp quietly "Your hand, it's really cold"
She says and turns to look at Chloe who was also looking at her

Edward doesn't know how to respond, so he just stays quiet. He continues driving thinking about how much he wants to be with Chloe, how much he wants to tell her the truth but he just doesn't want her to see him as a monster.

They were about to pass the police station when they saw flashing lights.

"Whoa, wonder what happened now?" Bella says looking out the window

"Uncle Charlie's car is still here, can you pull in please " Chloe says turning to look at Edward

Edward does as he's told and he also sees Carlisle's car "That's my father's car" he tells them as he stops the car "What's he doing here?" he asks curiously as they all get out of the car walking towards the police station.

Carlisle walks out of the police station and walks towards the three teens.

"Carlisle,what's going on?" Edward asks Doctor Cullen

"Waylon Forbes was found in a boat near his place, I just examined his body" Carlisle replied

"He's dead? But how? " Bella asks knowing that was her dad's friend

"Animal Attack" Dr Cullen tells her

Chloe froze when she heard him say that,she remembers that it's the same thing that the autopsy said about her parents. She started having flashbacks, after seeing her parents bodies like that, it's something she'll never forget.

"Was it the same animal that attacked the security guard down in Mason?" Bella asks

Carlisle nods "Most likely " he says

"It's getting closer to town now..."Bella says

Chloe snaps out of it and turns to her cousin "Bella, you should go check on uncle Charlie. Waylon was his friend, I'll be there soon." she tells Bella

"Okay" Bella says nodding and then walks in the station

Chloe turns to Carlisle "Dr Cullen can I ask you something?"

Carlisle nods "Okay"

"When you examined Waylins body, did he have blood loss? Did he have pancture wounds on his body, like bite marks?" Chloe asks him

Carlisle glanced at Edward "Yes, everything you just said was there. He died mostly from blood loss" he tells Chloe

Chloe gasps alittle, thinking about her parents "I was hoping you wouldn't say that Doc" she says closing her eyes, tears falling

Edward was able to read her mind, he now realises how Chloe knew those things she asked Carlisle about. He saw everything.

"Chloe are you okay?" Edward asks her standing infront of her

Chloe looks at him with teary eyes "Huh? Uhm. I... I'm fine. Thank you for the ride Edward. Goodnight " she says and then leaves them standing there

Dr Cullen turns to look at Edward "What was that about? How did she know?"

"Her parents were killed by a vampire " Edward replied "She was the one who found their bodies"

Carlisle nods understanding "So that's why she's emotional about the whole Waylon's thing. I understand now" he says and they went home.

After Chloe left the Cullen's outside, she went in and found her uncle and cousin talking about Waylon.

"Uncle Charlie I'm so sorry " Chloe says hugging her uncle

He hugs his niece back " Don't worry kiddo, I'm gonna find whoever it is that's busy killing people. It started with your parents, now it's my long time friend Waylon. I can't let it happen again, I just can't " Charlie tells them and then reached into his desk drawer and pulled out two papper sprays "In the meantime, I want you both to carry this with you at all times, okay" he says giving them each a pepper spray

Chloe nods taking it "Okay uncle Charlie, I will" she tells them as Bella also takes it putting it on her pocket

"Let's go home girls" Charlie tells them and they go home thinking about today's events


When they got home, Charlie went to his room to rest while the girls went to Bella's room upstairs to do some proper research.

Bella was busy reading the Quileute book while Chloe was on her laptop researching, she typed the clues and she was they all lead to one thing. That one word was 'Vampire' and everything made sense.

"Bell's I think I found something" Chloe tells her cousin

Bella gets closer to Chloe "I found something too"

They show each other what they found.

"THE COLD ONE'S" Chloe reads "Bella if all of this is true, and that Edward is a vampire. I don't know how I'm gonna handle that." Chloe stands up and starts pacing "My parents were killed by the very same thing thats busy killing people here, it all points to Vampire and if Edward is one.... "

Bella stops her cousin from pacing "Hey, look at me. We'll have to confront him, hear his side of the story. Who knows, maybe this time he'll be honest" Bella says

Chloe nods "Okay. We'll talk to him tomorrow at s chool when we see him" she says

"Alright let's continue reading then" Bella says

They continue until they end up falling asleep.

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